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  1. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    That sounds good, I didn't have my coffee this morning. I think I will make a pot. Anybody want a cup? :)
  2. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Has Haley ridden a horse?
  3. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    That place looks nice. Are you going to ride the horses?
  4. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    When is your birthday? :lol:
  5. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    When is your birthday?
  6. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Not that I know of...but do tell, murdered? :what:
  7. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Absolutely! I wonder if Gator Landscaping is still in business in Orlando. They were a bear to get money out of.
  8. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    :lol: Did you remind him of that?
  9. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Yep, early riser here, been at work since 6! Not working, but at work :D
  10. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    This dog is the love of our lives, we take him everywhere for the most part. If he hears John ask me "are you ready to go?", he gets up and he is ready to go! He loves to go on the boat and swim at the island. Thanks for asking! :) Good luck with the job!
  11. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Paul, has your wife started having any fun food cravings?
  12. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Thanks, Stump! We had lunch with our oldest daughter who is moving back here next month. Then, took the dog over to Coco Plum Beach to let him run before his Sunday bath. Watched a corny movie called North Shore, great surfing but kinda corny. All in all a good day, especially because we are not...
  13. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Shoot, if you have gas in the boat, go fishing!!
  14. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Are we invited? I will bring the potato salad.
  15. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Have a safe day Brian. I am just glad it is Friday. :)
  16. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Darin, our local TV news is reporting the police have the shooter barracaded in a local church.
  17. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Darin, that is scary. Hope all goes well for him.
  18. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Brian, maybe try the hot cold treatment! :P
  19. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    We have much needed rain here this morning.