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  1. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Not sure Jay, but probably supply and demand. I doubt the consumer will see a huge drop in price.
  2. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Cool, we will look forward to them! Lobster season opens today, we will probably get out after work. They are killing the lobstermen with the price, $3.00 a pound, lowest price in 25 years. :(
  3. vharrison

    Good Morning!

  4. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Jay, that is awesome!
  5. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    :lol: Stinks doesn't it, people thinking they know what is best for trees?
  6. vharrison

    Good Morning!

  7. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    WOW! That is great! Looking for a job in South Florida? :/:
  8. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Best of luck with it! Hope you pass.
  9. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Al, you are so good to your mama.
  10. vharrison

    Good Morning!

  11. vharrison

    Good Morning!

  12. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Do tell, what is it?
  13. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Good Morning all! We will be taking down the Christmas decorations today. :whine:
  14. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    John takes one every day...and I never said a word to him. :D
  15. vharrison

    Good Morning!

  16. vharrison

    Good Morning!

  17. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    I am getting excited, the Habitat Gala is tomorrow night! It is a dress up affair, very rare down here. I am even getting my hair done!
  18. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Yeah, pretty much, smokers don't like to hear stuff like that.
  19. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    What a good man you are!!
  20. vharrison

    Good Morning!

    Thanks for that Stump, good analogy.