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  1. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Hey good luck Squisher...exciting! Dropped a couple of trees down a decent slope and then grappled them up. Always fun to wedge over a backleaner. Some bids and then home. Wife's out on a girls night...well, she does have the littlest too. Looks like sammiches and kd for dinner :)
  2. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Ziplined 3 80' pines today...I only set the block, did one and chunked out the spar on which the block was set. I had to do the dumping so Chris climbed...which I was kinda bummed out about, I likes me some rigging. Lots of it today between Chris and I we were up there for a solid 9 hours...
  3. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Nice...Can't wait for my little guys to suit up! I planted a red oak to celebrate my newest today, finished the plantings in one of the beds in my front yard. Thinking about building some planting boxes for wifey's veggie garden, but fishing with the oldest is certainly more appealing.
  4. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Had a safety meeting today...which was good. Nice to get everything on the table and everyone on the same page. Gained some respect for employer on this one, they might even set an aerial rescue training day...WOW! Chris and I spent 2 hrs up a declining 90' pine deadwooding in the hopes that it...
  5. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    I cut down the biggest weeping birch I've ever seen had been declining hard for the past 3 sign of the bronze birch borer however. It was a young thing too, only ~50 yrs. Three big leads each at least 18" and the stump was close to 4.' Best part was it was a drop only 8)...