Speaking of vigilance, the other day we were tipping a fat fir spar into a bit of a tight lay. The stump was on the top of a 10 ft slope that led to a neighbours fence and a telephone pole, so we took the step of getting the rigging ready to hold the spar to the stump. Then we made a round of bets for coffees as to how far out the spar would land. Face cut, back cut, tree nails the landing, puller rejoices (momentarily) due to being the winner of free coffee, and then we all groan as we realize that we failed to do the clevis on the straps holding the spar to stump. It rolls down the hill, completely missing the fence, but smacking into the pole with authority. Luckily, no one of the neighbours were out watching, and there was no damage to the pole. Just a bunch of bruised egos. There were 3 of us eyeballing that scenario and all of us failed to remember to do up the damn sling, its not like we didn't anticipate it. Just got distracted/cocky.
On a lighter note, the work is still coming in thick, we're definitely booked into January at the moment. But, lordy I can't wait to take it easy over the holidays. This week has been lighter as I've had some maintenance work to do on my truck and have been plodding along getting my business plan together, but we're going to push for the next month till xmas starting Monday. Thankfully, there is really only 8 hrs of daylight at the moment, so the body won't be too brutalised!
A little nippy up here, but I feel its time to have a seat in a warm watering hole and prepare for a weekend of solo parenting as my wife enjoys a bonspiel.