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  1. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Is that the castle gardener...not that I'm keeping track orrrr anything. 12hr day wrecking trees is a tough day fo sho! How long do you work when you're falling in the fall/winter, Stig? I think most hand fallers around here are limited to a 6.5 hr working day (not including travel and such) by...
  2. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Sorry for your loss, Jay. Positive vibes sent your way. Justin, good to hear your on the mend bro. Last weekend I was playing a ball tourney. Sat was a good day 3 games and we kicked butt. For some reason, Sun am was a little fuzzy. A ball was hit centre field between the other fielder and I...
  3. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Cheeky bugger.
  4. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Tough luck on that one, Dennis. What a dolt! Its amazing the amount of time it takes for us lowly peons to see results from our municipal govts, but heaven help you if you offend some bureaucrats' delicate sensibilities. Justin sorry to hear about your shoulder, man. Hopefully the HC system...
  5. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Sorry to hear about the bum shoulder, Squish. Didn't get to try the tube slide as we were with the kidlets, but had a blast. Funny thing is just as we pulled our kids outta the van a couple of our friends park right beside us and unload their kid, small world. Just got back from a post dinner...
  6. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Taking the family out to Squisher's neck to enjoy a local hot spot Should be fun! I loves me some long weekends...
  7. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Hey hey hey, dont get the wrong idea! I slipped on my truck and fell on the expanded metal rack...:|:
  8. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Nailed down about a weeks worth of work doing estimates today, which puts me about two weeks behind! Good times. I slipped and poked a hole that should have gotten stitches in my shin last Sat...then spent about 20 hrs on hooks this week. I didn't want to spend my Sat. night in a busy ass...
  9. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Forward them to a small guy in the south Okanagan and you'll be fine. Haha! Have fun in Revelstoke, thats some country I'd like to get to know better. Luckily, I was tackling a decent job up Apex Mountain today. Didn't get hottter than 25 and there was a nice breeze all day to boot. Knocked out...
  10. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Yuck...get well bro!
  11. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Phew, close one squish! Starting to pick up here too, gotta love the warm(er) weather.
  12. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Finshed up my contracting stint with the line clearance co., who might have some climbing work on their upcoming contract for me. Which is good. The owner offered my a full time gig, but I was disinclined to accept his offer because I am uncoachable at this point. He does have a...
  13. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Yeah it really is, they've got a pile of fruit trees, grape vines, raspberry canes a veggie garden and a couple of nice young walnut trees. There's a good reason I offered to do the job for free...but I'm glad I was denied that offer. Yeah, I sure hope I can make things work for myself this...
  14. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    We're getting some snow round here too. Couple of inches today. I picked up a decent falling job for the week, should be fun. Just tip, limb and buck and let a machine do the cleanup! Also picked up a great beech prune job I've been working on for a few years, with 2 different companies. Oddly...
  15. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Dang, Sean you get all the fun ones. Enjoy yer long weekend, bro. Stig, that is shameful. What are they going to do for ya? Jay, that was a great read. Cool experience for you and the Mrs, sounds like a perfect date night.
  16. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Sounds like a city tender to me, Squish. Man, I remember MONTHS of small tree pruning in Calgary. Some weeks were good to reflect on Gilman or Shigo, others were spent cursing the name Crataegus or Eleagnus! Dang vines!
  17. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

  18. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Easy meow!
  19. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Finished up a small job in a mobile home park today. About a dozen small sib. elms and med Doug-firs were conquered. Then we cleaned the hangars and cleared services on two larger firs. Now I need to scrounge for some work for the holidays...yuck!
  20. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Whoa! That was a sweet vid, btw.