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  1. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Looks like fun, Stig! I've always wanted to try out a hot air balloon ride.
  2. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Might take some pressure off the knees, anyways. Crazy. I've been busy as all get out in the last month and a half. Worked Sunday and Monday in a little border town called Midway. Couple of fair sized pines slayed out there and a real limby blue spruce, good payday out there. I linked up with a...
  3. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Had a busy last couple of weeks and the work is still rolling in! Got to stay on top of it to put those last acorns away for the winter. Hope everyone stays safe!
  4. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Jay did you watch that whole series? That was quite possibly one of the most entertaining 45 minutes I've spent watching the interwebs in a long time. Thanks!
  5. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    The construction of the city was something of a technological marvel, from my understanding. Somewhat sinister too :/:
  6. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Just poplars, poplars and more poplars for you, eh...what plant hardiness zone are you in? What other species of tree grows there? St. Petersburg is on my travel bucket list, as its history is fascinating to me! The 'House is awesome, so many different countries are rep' gives a good...
  7. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Looks like you have a pretty good set up there, Max. Nice pics and work. Joel that porch is a beauty!
  8. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Geez, I missed that earlier. Man, I'd like to do something like that one day.
  9. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Really nice work on that reduction, John. And TCOB! Nice to meet ya, my name's Dylan.
  10. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Haha! Really the pillow case, food bait has worked for me so far. I'm wondering what the pole-noose/full sleeve glove set up cost?
  11. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Yeah, Brendo...last cat rescue I did was with a pillow case, can of tuna and an opener! I just butter em up with my voice and then BAM into the pillow case. Though I can certainly see the benefits of the kit you have. Thats the most pro looking cat rescue I've seen! Oh, and that is some serious...
  12. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Haha, sounds like a good time.
  13. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

  14. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Nice to work with your mentor. I went and did the same in June here, it was fun!
  15. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Or the odd time when you do a days work and don't have time to hit the showers before the game and you're full of pitch or just plain dirty? Ya they love that! Hot corner, eh, nice!
  16. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Right on, bro! That's a shitpile of ball to be playing...I max out at 4 games a week. You must be on a few teams...which means you're probably an ace! I play wherever, but I like 3rd or left field best. I'm not the best arm from the field though. And I don't know the game well enough in my...
  17. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Old bastids!! I hit .1000 tonight, just so you know. Buncha jerks. I've got plenty of time to feel old, but right now its bedtime!
  18. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    You calling me old? :what: Cuz right now I feel old!
  19. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Windfirmed 3 fir trees in between 2 houses today. The trees were in a shelterbelt of 5 fir and 5 spruce, and the last big windstorm pushed 2 fir and 1 spruce over as well as knocked the top off of one of the remaining spruce. So...the tops of the fir came down about 15' (they were in the 70-80...
  20. canadiantreeman

    How'd it go today?

    Haha. Crazy woodsmen back in the day. Pretty neat to be walking woods that have been managed by human foresters for centuries, I bet. I showed up at my jobsite this morning only to find a renter had parked his car underneath the 3 fir I had to work on and then summarily went on vacation! Dick...