What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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I remember getting a job out at a resort on Green Lake? I think it was. I would ride a ten speed bike there and back from Princeton. Not much effort compared to CA cycling.
I ended up having my asthma biting me in my arse after i rode past those recent cut fields inhaling cuttings in the rain mist stirred up by tires on the road. Turned into bronchitis on its5 way to pneumonia. Lost my job, roomie got weird on me. Hopped a bus back to CA. Did not feel like being homeless in WI.
Eh that might be too far.... clay makes everything cut and dry. Dry land, then water. Marshes imply change of elevation enough to pool water, so that's a stretch :lol: I live in a "valley" here, I'll take some pics of the creek in my back yard and show you what i mean. I do have the blackest dirt you've ever seen as far down as i can dig tho, just because of that. My mom (5 min away) only has an inch of black dirt, the rest is all clay. That sucks about being homeless tho, wayyyyyyy too cold for that
You can, you just have to have a few girlfriends...
:/: and maybe even a few buddies with a couch and no girlfriend :lol:
Hope he didn't have to use his new shelter thing.

Finally got a bit of summer, been nice the last few days around 80. Got to 85 here today, 100+ in my old area.

Been here five years now but this is only the second full summer I've had, was going down there for work sometimes. Hottest (Australia Day holiday) in Sydney since 1960. Might get a bit cool here in winter but it's not bad in summer.
We got a whopping 2mm of snow... I'm trying to figure out what the weather's doing today. I'll either stay home or go to my big job. Had enough coals this morning to get the fire going again. That almost never happens. Having a luxurious morning in front of the computer today.

Still drizzling. I'm 90% sure I'm staying home today. I'm heartbroken. Heartbroken I'm telling you! :^D
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As promised, the creek in my backyard, complete with the hill. It doesn't look like much, but when it rains hard whole trees and very large boulders/rocks will come down it, and I've seen entire trees hit a rock and split like they are going thru a splitter. Nice little backdrop for me, considering I'm basically still in town, but zoned county. Only have an acre, but i make do for now.

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Amazing the water that can come down a little creek givn the right conditions. We have a seasonal creek here in the middle of the property. Seen a few good sized logs come down and try to make the road crossing. County only put a little culvert down at the end. Last couple storms started going over and under the road. Not clogged. Just could not handle the volume. Poor planning on their part. Nice to have in the yard though. Kids have fun in it.
Yeah water in a creek is pretty relentless. This spring I'll get another pic, the water will be 6 to 8 feet deeper in a good rain. They've had an suv somehow get stuck in the flumes upstream from us before, completely under water and caused all sorts of problems and flooding. That would make another cool pic cause they are huge. There's a very nice golf course right downstream, about maybe a 2 beer walk. I don't play much, but I'm terrible and need balls and refuse to buy them, so I'll toss a 6 pack or so in a couple 5 gallon buckets and go for a little walk. Seems it's a nice enough course that just about everyone that plays there uses pro v 1s (top of the line, about $5 a ball), so that's all i play :lol: My buddies will just shake their heads when i tee up a mulligan just because I'm too lazy/ proud to chase them across another fairway when they go sideways hahahahahaha
Chilly today. Got to about 35°. I was working in the city doing a building, and it's just about perpetually in shadow with lots of wind. I keep meaning to take a picture, but I forget. Probably no one else cares, but I find the way old buildings were thrown together fascinating. You can see the various layers when a building comes down. Long forgotten doors and windows, mysterious rooflines, 10 different kinds of brick... It's the one part of cities I really enjoy. Old buildings are cool.
It is interesting how they put them together! I like post and beam. Its amazing to me how long they stay standing with no maintenance.