What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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It has been the most sunless december since 1959 so far.
Hope it changes.

With no light and Corona lock down the population is going into serious winter depression.

Doesn't bother me none, personally.
More rain today. Stopped the drive axle project when it started. 4 bolts from being complete to put the wheels back on. I had some brake pads to address as well. So since my town (4stores) did not have the right bolts, I bought some yesterday in the next town over since I had to go get parts for my parents pressure pump. Dad had found it leaking at a couple fittings when he was digging out Christmas decorations for Levi and Lilly to do over the weekend. So I hard piped the sucker in galvanized while the kids helped with their tree. Then cam home, installed the 4 bolts and the rain came down again. My truck is starting to sink on the jack stands :lol:
If it's on jackstands I'm either on concrete or have cribbed under it. Mainly concrete tho, cause i love a creeper :lol: I used to think i wanted a lift, anymore I'm thinking of adding a pit instead.
Years ago I was working across the street from an old 1930s gas station. Pumps were gone, but it still had the lights under the awning, and next to the building was a pit. That would have been so cool to have. Building's still there, but they removed all the cool stuff. Not sure what I'd have done with it, but it would have looked like a working 1930s gas station when I was done. Probably minus the gas. Too much hassle dealing with fuel.
Me too, my van begins to plow my parking place like last year. Of course, as I had all the time to do something since then, I did nothing actually.
Rain today, but the sun's out now. Wednesday's looking exciting, and temps this week look much more reasonable for December...

Some freeze, some fog, some rain, some sun, all mixed in a few days.
Heavy fog + temperature a tad above freezing point = fingers not happy at all.
Well, snow was pretty, but of course the weather couldn't do anything normal, so it changed to sleet and freezing rain. Still looks nice, but everything's encased in a block of ice. Taking the day off. Looks like a fire and whisky day.

same view as yesterday...

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Still about 10 degrees above freezing.
I'm dragging a 500i around in the rain.
I miss the good old days, when we had winters.
The crew are up North, working on the bat project.
Since I can't climb they left me here to cut migration coridors for Dormice.
Right now I'm having lunch in the truck with both heaters running full tilt.
How much of a corridor does a dormouse need? I'd think scissors would be sufficient to clear a path :^D
Wide enough to keep the surronding trees from shading the different varieties of bushes, that the doormice travel in.
Little fellers avoid the ground if they can.

Do I do some weird shit for money or what?
Pretty cool stuff. Probably keeps things interesting, eh? Especially something like the bat cavities, where you have to develop the technique to make it happen.
It is a nice break from logging for sure.
I gotta get back out in the rain now.
Wide enough to keep the surronding trees from shading the different varieties of bushes, that the doormice travel in.
Little fellers avoid the ground if they can.

Do I do some weird shit for money or what?

No different than a whole bunch of the weird shit I did, my friend. There must be some threads still extant that I've posted about these...but let's remember the anadromous salmon habitat enhancements, bull trout population tracking stations, red tree vole surveys, spotted owl surveys, heart rot inoculations to establish nesting cavities for neo-tropical songbirds, and population surveys for several species of arboreal lichen and mosses that generally live in old growth western conifers above 150 feet. Red cockaded woodpecker and small brown bat nest box installations, too.

Weird shit, for true. But it's been interesting, and on the whole good work to be doing. I'd argue with anyone that it was wasted effort, though for true it can be hard to measure success.
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Spring's here, and we haven't even had winter yet. Snowdrops and daffodils are coming up already :^(

Reverse here, second month of summer now but you wouldn't think so. Hottest November on record. The data is in and Australia just had its hottest November on record - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-12-01/bom-says-hottest-november-and-spring-nights-on-record/12937620

Was 112f when I went to Sydney in November, been back three weeks and top since was 80f yesterday and 65f forecast for the next few days.

This time last year, hot, smoke, dust. This year, cool, rain and rain. Cyclones coming up north.