Speaking of Heat / desert crossings , anyone been to Blythe during Summer
Ahhhh Blythe.
Last time I went through Blythe was on my way to pick up the Dingo in Tucson. I left in the afternoon for here so I would do my desert crossing at night. Hit a truck stop out that way and got a large soda and ice damn near middle of the night. So about 1/2 way between Blythe and Phoenix, the van died. Just stopped running. So I figured Id go look for a call box, left a note on the van. Had no cell phone at the time. Funny, all the call boxes were not to be found. I guess everyone has cell now. I walked at least a mile in each direction. So. Figured I would go back to the van, think, then do. I look in the back of the van and Katy had cleaned it out nicely for me, so I could sleep in the bench seat if necessary. Trouble is, she also removed the case of water kept there. So the only liquid I had was yhat 32oz cup of melting ice. Well. That makes one think. I put the car seat out behind the van and tried flagging/thumbing a ride. No way Jose. No one would stop.
So, i had seen a rest stop between me and Blythe. Figured that would be my closest walk to a phone, safety or what not. I started walking, my briefcase in hand with all I owned on cards and cash and a laptop computer. And of course, my 32 oz cup o ice. Let some melt. Take a sip. Walked some miles and was greatful it was spring time. Only about 80 at night. Never did see a state patrol. Came up on an exit to a mine or prison and there was a truck broke down and a service rig fixing it. Approached them and asked if they could help me. I was show that both men were carrying ans I was not welcome nor could they help me. Not even a call. I was informed by them, there there was only one patrol car that ran that section of road at night. Good reason I had no seen any. My nemory of a rest stop confirmed and being early light yet, i set out again. Pretty much getting low on liquid. Couple more miles, there it was. And I was under remodeling. No water, no vending machines. No phones. Not even a bathroom. Smelled of sewer since all the lines were dug up. I saw a crew at the other end and walked over to them. Asked If they had a phone or could radio help. They called thier supervisor and he said he would take me back to the little truck stop just that side of Blythe. Had a water for me. Let me use his phone. Then called where he was staying damn near 60 miles from the hwy. Lady at the desk had a referral for a garage that would come get me, get the van, and take me there. Thanked that gentleman up and down.
Owner of the garage showed up with a car trailer and avwinch and we went and got the van. Figure about now that its about 90* and I am out in the parking lot sweating waiting before 9-10 am. We got the van, drove back to the shop and he dug right in. I fugured i was there inbthat one horse little town off the beaten path for at least the night. Turns out the distributer gear had stripped out in the 6cyl. Common I guess. Told me he might have one. Mind you, there is NO auto parts store close by here. Nothing even at the truck stop turn off. Next closest one would maybe be Blythe.
So he goes and looks and low and behole, he has one he bought for a custy that just had no money to finish The deed. Checked the compression and did an oil change checking for metal. Looked like we got it all. I was back on the road before 5pm.
Only charged me 600 and change. I figured the tow was going to be close to 500. Truly there are angels among us. Even in a place as hot as Hades.
Now, when you walk a highway in desert like that, you see all the water and care packages left for boarder crossings. Why I was shown the proverbial door by that trucker and repair guy. Hyjackings happen.
Yup. I know Blythe. And a lot of the surrounding areas