Tree down in St Louis. Need help.

At least it looks like damage to the house is minimal, and not at risk of further damage from weather, etc. Hope that's the case.
I guess for the whole tree that's fair tho it still seems a bit high from the pic. Anyway, I'm glad it is taken care of
It's what I'd charge to drive a car full of tools 8hrs round trip being uncertain if it's just the branch or the whole tree, but I don't have my tools handy.
If this was my neck of the woods, I'd charge 500 for a complete removal. I'm a sucker for helping people in need. Seems your daughter doesn't have anyone capable, and we all struggle to make ends meet at times. I could take my leisure time and have it done in a few hours with minimal gear and a pickup.
Yeah tree work is mostly just fun for me so I don’t really have to charge. Could just drive by and wave my motor sword at it and poof, firewood. 😆
"Motor Sword" I like that. I do feel naked without mine. I've always mentally equated harnessing up, to a knight donning his armor. While I've never fought a dragon, ive brought my blade to bear on more than one leviathan.
Is it just wearing a harness, or is it the particular harness you have? The bottom basement fall arrest harnesses are terrible to put on. You pull it out of the bag in a big WTF bundle of strapping. Nicer harnesses go on easier, and are more comfortable. Get the right one, and you have a good base for a climbing setup ;^)
Yes harnesses are annoying, but getting thrown out of a lift is even worse. I personally know guys who have had lifts tip, ppe is simply playing the law of averages on your side.
I have this one for work...

It's a good bit more $ than the homedepot specials, but it goes on easy, and is more comfortable for fall arrest duties. I got that cause you can also climb in it. It isn't as comfortable as my Onyx, but it does the job, and it's already there in the truck. You can add accessories to the strapping. I recommend a military canteen at minimum, but also clips and tool holders. With some trivial knowledge, you can make yourself a cheap bailout kit you can safely use with my harness, or one like it.
I run the cheap ones common in construction with the side ds for lanyard use, the more pads the hotter they are, and they catch sparks from welding right where you don't want them to. I'm also a huge fan of wearing my toolbelt (think ironworker level of tools and design) when working in a lift, i hate bending over all day trying to get tools and materials, so the cheap ones fit better under my existing belt. I broke down and got really good bags, occidental leather, and they'll likely last my entire career, so that's what i prefer to use, and they're all leather so they will hold up to the work i do. If i do have to climb on rope i do have the shoulder strap to convert my cougar into a fall arrest one as well, so that way I'm rocking my usual climbing harness when I'm climbing. I've run that exact setup doing rope access work as a fitter before, works great. But for just regular tree work out of a lift the cheap lightweight construction ones are just fine, and are the most minimal option which I'm a fan of. If you properly adjust them they fit great, and should take less than a minute to put on, we often wear them all day everyday if working at height.
You have a point about the toolbelts. Most of the time, I have a very limited loadout when using fall arrest, but when I need all my stuff, my harness is pretty uncomfortable with my pistol belt. If I were always using fall arrest, I think I could rig up a good system with the accessory pockets, but I don't use it enough, or use it enough with all my tools to be worth the effort.
Mine is so ridiculous that i can easily and comfortably slip pipe wrenches in the 2 hammer holders :lol: i got an electricians bag for my hand tools on the right, a big 2 pocket bolt bag that will even hold a speed square in between the pockets on the left, and in the back i have a hammer loop, tape holder, and pig ears for holding spud wrenches and a sleever bar if needed. And of course leather suspenders to hold it all up comfortably. It's annoying at times, and i don't always wear it, but when i need to nothing else is as efficient or as labor saving as that.
Looks nice!

Are those typical tools you carry for pipefitting?

Were it mine, I'd be hitting that dry looking leather with boot grease (Obenaufs ;) )
I use olive oil on my leather. Seems to work as well as anything, and it's nothing extra to purchase.
Yeah it needed oil, the right one is 15 years old and was worn daily for years when i was younger, pretty much mig welding all the time with it on too. I didn't have run a left hand pouch mig welding so to distribute the weight better i carried a 2 or 3 pound half sledge in the hammer loop, but it's more comfortable with a right and left so i got a leather bolt bag to replace my kline canvas one, often keep my phone, two hole pins, and stuff in there. All my commonly used tools are right there ready to go at my right hand, no looking at all, just boom boom boom all day, so i don't have to work as hard to get stuff done. The bolt bag and pig ears are new, the pig ears are from rudedog leather, really nice too, and i can safely carry my spud wrenches when doing stuff where they're needed, and pretty much all of my wrenches are also spuds so they have multiple purposes, important when you're carrying them. I think that was when i was working in a school around here, and yes for what i was doing then that's what i needed, likely doing something with heater cabinets or hangers or something, for fitting pipe I'll have much different stuff depending on the job I'm doing. Kinda weird because that's my framing hammer, must have been a good reason i had that on, maybe depalleting units and installing them or something, usually they have ball peens and half sledges to use, basically i wasn't going to struggle to do what i needed to that day. When doing copper I'll carry fittings and everything, and use it as a shelf for different tools when up on a ladder or in a lift, handy to hang a stinger on too. Welded pipe I'll have a bigger hammer and the fitting tools needed, very handy in vaults and other hard to access areas like up in the steel. When doing hangers i can have stuff all right there, no bending over, just doing what i need to. Really nice for bolt ups too, so i can load up with bolts and have everything right there, so it all really just depends on what I'm doing because we do so many different tasks. I have a small clip on toolbelt I've been running lately, it's a crappy one from a hardware store and I'm probably gonna switch to my good ones again here. I've been given another apprentice so I'll be needing them more :lol: