Elm tree that splits into 2 sides, which one to cut first?

Owning chainsaws is like owning a computer. I use one every day. I could easily get into trouble with one because overall I know little about the applications of one. Nobody has been crushed / killed/ paralyzed by the Circle of Death while far from help.

That tree has tons of Circle of Death potential.

I regularly cut trees with splitting potential. I hear and feel the tree splitting and popping while cutting them. People on the ground heat the loud pops.

I use specialty cuts (not rocket surgery) and cut placements, as well as bridge ring connections as defense.

Cutting trees is like auto mechanics.
Changing oil is a way to do easy maintenance or ruin your engine.

Pulling a tranny out while perched on jacks can be done. I wouldn't.
Surely he hasn’t forsaken us already? If your ten-year-old needs his tonsils removed, would you post a couple of pics of him saying “AH” on a surgeons forum, asking for advice on how to go about taking them out? 😳
You came for advice, and apparently it's not what you want to hear.

Why do arborists do onsite assessments/consultations? Because every tree is different, and we have to apply our knowledge and experience to the situation at hand. Anything less is dishonest and possibly dangerous.

You want an armchair quarterback scenario? Fine. Spike up, take as small a top as you can and work your way down cutting firewood sized chunks as you go. That's the best you'll get out of me.

I don't mean to seem like I'm gatekeeping, but I can't reiterate enough that tree work aloft is exceptionally dangerous. Some of the members here, including myself, have had life changing injuries, and we've even lost one fairly recently to the work.

Make sure you have someone in the ground keeping an eye out.