Good books on felling?

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Feb 17, 2024
I've lurked here and other places for a long while. Wondering what some of your guys favorite books on felling are? I like books and I like learning all I can about something even if there's a good chance I never need that information. I'm no stranger to saws but even when I was running them 40 hours a week for a summer I was far from a pro timber faller. I know experience is best but these days my sawing is mostly clearing roads to get to a timber unit or for camping firewood. I feel like I have the 3 most commonly recommended books. I've got Dent, Bernanek, and Jepson. Each one has been good and has some things that others don't. I know Tim Ard has a book but I'm not sure if its got any info not already covered by the other 3. I've also picked up on some general disdain for him from a certain other forum.
Welcome! You have the best now go forth and start flopping wood you scan only learn so much without doing it. Those books cover the technical aspect but do not cove which species will barberchair on you for looking at them. Or which species will hinge well or not.
Welcome! Whilst your question has already been answered, I felt compelled to throw my two pennies your way.

Burn scars can be a great place to practice. The trees are often compromised in multiple ways. It's dangerous, but can be excellent practice for dealing with hazard trees.

Second, I offer something of an admonition; Fell trees with three cuts only.
1.) GUNNING CUT. This cut is critical, it's how you aim the tree. DO NOT compromise your gun-cut.
2.) NOTCH. Humboldt or conventional, gapped face, etc. Block it out rather than compromise your gun.
3). BACK CUT. Do your best to keep it even, level. Bore cut trees prone to barberchair.

Gain control with a wedge, or other means, as soon as possible. Maintain control throughout the felling process.

Do not bother with fancy techniques until you have a solid grasp of these fundamentals. No sizwill, hanging Dutchman, shark gill, toggle, or other esoteric hootanannie.

Gun cut, face cut, back cut.

Stay safe, watch tops, not kerfs. Your neck SHOULD hurt after a day's work falling timber, else, you're not paying attention.

ALWAYS have wedgeS, and a way to drive them. You need more of them than you think you do.

Stay hydrated, add salts back in, LMNT, ReLyte, or other clean electrolyte supplements cannot be recommended enough. They help brain function among a host of other benefits. Hell, take a shaker of table salt with you, even that will help!

Swamp out with gusto! if it can reach you, if it can slow you down, it can kill you. Kill it first. Clean workspace, is happy workspace right?

I've probably missed a bunch. It's possible I've preached the gospel to a worthy acolyte. I only wish you to be safe and successful.
I wanna so bad ever since seeing Jake and our knighted Jed's video. Bucket list for me.
I wanna so bad ever since seeing Jake and our knighted Jed's video. Bucket list for me.
If I ever make it over to the states, I want to do that course with my daughters, Love to drop some large balsa wood and listen to the hinge wood creak.

edited to add, that vid of Jacob and Jed is one of my eldest's fav vids, the thump when the larger bits hit the ground is superb, and silas when he has a go at a larger saw, we laugh at that each time.
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I have AoFT, maybe I will read it and report back while I’m sick.

I’m hooked on felling, it’s what led me here. There is a lot to be learned online, here and vids…just gotta know enough to tell the difference between good example and bad.

Katelyn (tree_being) had a Patreon going for a while, I watched a couple of hers and learned some stuff.

I like this guy woodchuck460 on instagram, he does some interesting chats. Also the top heavy timber fella.

Just reading through the felling threads here will gain a lot.
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