Tree felling vids

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Could well be but regardless, wouldn't Reg's vids be more 'valuable' than other vids out there whether you are a full timer or not?
Could be the presentation also. I like Buckin' Billy's videos cause I like hearing him jabber to himself/the camera while he goes through a job. The treework's alright, but I like hearing him speak. Not that I watch that much. I went through a bunch of his videos about a year ago. It isn't something I regularly do.
They wouldn't know is my point.
Ok I gotcha. Yeah i guess that makes sense.

Yeah I like Buckin, haven't seen very many of his vids but he's a hoot for sure and I like his positive attitude.

Reg is the only one that i will immediately click on when I see it available.

I used ta be a big AH fan but his stuff is pretty boring after awhile. Way too much stuff about the crew's banter etc etc, who picked the short straw etc. Chit is not interesting, imho.
I like Buckin most cause he’s always had like 50 cups of coffee. Weird thing: My dad’s an insane golf fanatic, and he’s in love with Ben Hogan era players... anyways... he played me some YouTube vids of a Canadian guy named Mo Norman... Super weird, he could be back in his twin brother. Same enunciation. Same speed of articulation. Spoke EXACTLY like Buckin. Them boys are hooped.

I do really love Jake as a brother, and I think his vids are gonna get WAY better over time. He makes a descent little bit of scratch out of it. I’m guessing nothing monumental. We don’t talk about it.
You gonna invest in some balding cure or do you think your hairline is safe?? :/: ;)
This aspect of pop media interacting with tree work sort of bumfuzzles me.

I know I'm old and out of the picture. But I never have understood how any of these folks, like Reg and Aug and a bunch y'all have mentioned here that I never have do they swallow the "waste of time" (my way of seeing it, only) that setting the cams up with all that extra climbing, and making sure the cam is pointed in the right place, and then editing the recorded scenes into something one hopes will attract viewers???

When I was working I didn't have enough hours in the day or week to get close to what I wanted/needed/had to get taken care of, to do my job to the level I expected of myself, to put time into what seems to me to be seriously frivolous activities.

Sure, I've taken still pictures, and posted them here...but here alone. I cannot see that as coming even close to taking the kind of time that producing good videos requires.

As I said...I'm old :). Other eyes will obviously see it differently.
Agreed. Ive made some pretty boring videos of our work. The time consuming task of just the editing of the vid is nuts. And that is just wearing a cam. I just dont have the time or patience or budget to set shit up to get that perfect shot I can play with music to. When my cam broke, I never replaced it.
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I don't even have time for pictures let alone video. I don't really care for Buckin Billy too erratic for me to follow. August and Reg are about the only two tree videos I really watch but I don't think I have ever watched an entire video start to finish I'm always skipping thru. I am glad they take the time to do it but I would never have the patients to set it up. Show up to the job get it done and go home.
I've always figured it took a certain amount of vanity to want to spend all that time, just to be seen by others.
Remember the Blair Glen wackiness?

He probably takes the cake for, Hi there, Look at me!
I don't even have time for pictures let alone video. I don't really care for Buckin Billy too erratic for me to follow. August and Reg are about the only two tree videos I really watch but I don't think I have ever watched an entire video start to finish I'm always skipping thru. I am glad they take the time to do it but I would never have the patients to set it up. Show up to the job get it done and go home.
Ol Buckin Billy Ray is pullin some good coin off utube ... in the neighborhood of 600/day ... I’d fart around on camera for that
I made about $230 in the last 28 days, which is up about 100 from what I was making on average for quite a while. Even though I slowed down the number of new videos I was uploading somehow my revenue went up significantly. Maybe I started getting more views when people had more time at home because of co-vid. Or maybe youtube upped my pay per view for some unknown reason. It's been a long while since I did any real editing. I just pull out the phone for an uncut piece and upload directly to youtube, then use their editor in a limited way. It's nice to be getting a few more dollars, but really nothing compared to the effort put in early on. And not much compared to actually doing the work. It's not surprising that Billy could make a living on his videos. And he made it to axmen.. not sure if that went anywhere. He's uplifting and August is smooth-talking and August generally shows a high skill level. It's been fun to watch his business grow as he acquires more equipment, especially the crane. I know August particularly enjoys editing videos, and it shows in his work. I think he's gotten more of a financial lift because YouTube boosted his local reputation, which was good for business, more than just the revenue he gets from Youtube. It's also ionteresting to see how Jake has gotten so many subs so quickly. He had a decent following on Instagram, which I gather is a lot hotter than youtube these days.

The only downside seems to be the need to constantly be uploading more videos, and trying to keep it fresh. Seems like some of the stuff that Billy does is pretty outrageous and far beyond just setting a bad example. That's one of the reasons Reg's mic drop is admirable. He wasn't going to let the need for views or attention direct his life. Personally, I still have more aspirations in the realm of video, but we had the busiest year ever, and I was shorthanded throughout. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve that has never been shown. I don't really like to edit and my technology is dated, so it all remains to be seen.

Here's a pretty good example of reaming to avoid bar pinch, by Jack (hotsaws 101)

Good show of reaming...worked well. I usually cut up but I'll give that another try. I have read about it but not seen it done well...thanks.
I am kind of with Mick. If them boys want to do it, well then God bless them boys.

But then again I am SUPER with Burnham too. Who in their right mind could possibly endure the time taken to produce that stuff? I can also easily relate to Burnham’s accusation of vanity. However… Doesn’t that just give us a sneaking inclination as to the possibility that I personally am very vain, and then accuse others who, for all of those virtuous reasons that Mick mentioned, are perhaps rather insulated from this sin??

I said it only as a concession to those who appear to be wasting so very much time in those endeavors. In my more honest moments, it is really hard to see how their families, or even their intellects cannot suffer rather horribly in the process.
We are have ego Jed, I think in this job a degree of bravado and self regard is a pre requisite.

There’s not much between posting up an Instagram link of a few short vids and stills and a full blown documentary like a few do.

Don’t overthink it.
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