Here you go Frans, this is what I could find in 2 minutes.
Here you go Frans, this is what I could find in 2 minutes.
That's why I don't live in Florida.
There is no place on the continent you can escape disaster.
thanks Skwerl.
The smoke plum extends PAST Catalina!
Much worse than the Oakland Hills Firestorm that I went through
I am a heartless jerk. I have little sympathy for people who build homes in an area that has historically been subject to frequent brush fires. This isn't to say thta I have NO sympathy I just don't think that the guv'mint ought to do ANYTHING to bail out people. Build in a fire prone area or in a floodplain below sea level and you can buy your insurance and or take your chances. 1 family's house burns down and we say that is a shame and expect their life to go on. 10,000 houses burn in the same area in the same week and suddenly it is everyone elses responsibility to make them more than whole. Phsaww!
So far so good but don't forget the golden BB.There you are,in the back yard sipping a cool one.A mile overhead a goose flies over that has swallowed a marble.At just that precise time yon goose lets loose,oops,bonk.True, but central Louisiana is a historically meteorological safe place.![]()
It seems the internet is running a tad slow.I don't doubt this fire has something to do with it.I might also add that my wife tried to order some things yesterday from Calfornia but the phone system is screwed up because of the fire.What a mess.![]()