They are still slightly swollen, so I can't make a fist. ( That is why that shoulder tap/death thing would have been fine)
I'm getting the strenght back in them slowly and first week of August I'm sceduled for another session where they send electricity through the nerves.
Then we'll see if it looks better than last time and they'll decide whether to bring the scalpel out or not.
I'm even clumsier than usual with that hand.
Yesterday I was making a dressing for cowboy caviar.
Just as I opened the tap on the olive oil container with my left hand, I at the same time swept the plastic bowl aside with my dead fingers.
Olive oil all over the table top.
You should see me tying my shoe laces.
A blind Thalidomid sufferer could do it faster.
But hell, the dog and I are back in the woods