Nice trick.
I'm scared of ladders, so I would rather have climbed it.
Shit scared of ladders, in fact.
When I painted the gable of my barn, I had borrowed a super long ladder.
Once I had creeped my way up there ( Think 3 toed Sloth, scared to death) I decided, no way.
At the top of the gable there are 3 holes to let air out, for when we are storing hay in there.
I knocked the insect net out of the top one, ran a 6 feet piece of old rope out of it, and when I went up again, I wore climbing gear and tied into that.
Felt much calmer after that.
Calm enough, in fact, to lean too far out and have the ladder fall over.
I must have hung up there for 10 minutes screaming for help, before the mail order bride noticed.
Took another ½ hour for her to get the neighbour down to help get the ladder back up.
All that time I was stuck like a fly on fly paper.
I hate ladders!