Woods walker

That little woodshed represents a whole lotta work?? Maybe...just like those four rounds of firewood does?
I don't think so.

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Best firewood ever is the wood I get paid to haul home.at the whole lot of you. If it grows near your home, and you can source it for cheap, it's clearly the best firewood ever
That little woodshed represents a whole lotta work?? Maybe...just like those four rounds of firewood does?
I don't think so.
I'd never pay for firewood, unless it was some kind of *'cut your own' deal. I was thinking this morning what I'd do though if offered a cord of oak or a cord of cherry, same price. I think I might go for the cherry. Oak has more heat, but I really like cherry.
*Last year or the year before I was on a job that got logged, and the slash left behind was unbelievable. I could have gotten it free, but I don't have the transportation or storage for something like that. I was thinking you could make some money on top of the logs by selling access to craigslisters. Might be more of a PITA than it's worth, but on that particular job, there was thousands $ of quality firewood left on the ground looking all shitty. Get it cleaned up, and get some money for it too.
... If it grows near your home, and you can source it for cheap, it's clearly the best firewood ever.
That little woodshed represents a whole lotta work??...
Cannot speak to the laws in France but here in NY you can have a standard legal contract (signed by cutter , copy of driver license or Other ID) drawn up that protects the landowner should someone get injured cutting wood on your property .... No different than when you buy a ticket to a football game - you have waived the right to sue the stadium owner - now if a drunk jackass starts a fight and someone is injured then THAT INDIVIDUAL can be held liable .... On another note @Mick , I was watching your Instagram video - your saws seem to be laboring thru the cut somewhat - fortunately I can bring them up to snuff for a small feeWait for one of them to injure themselves and watch the lawyers circle.
That last batch of pictures does represent a lot of work, Frankie.
Here's my two woodsheds.
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All wood heat here at Frankie Acres ... I’m not paying National Greed a penny more than I have to ... My only cost is for the gas water heater and that averages out to about 82c per day to have hot water for shower/bath and washing / dishwasher ... If I paid ONLY for the gas it would be about 25c a day but unfortunately National Greed charges for the privilege of being “hooked up” not to mention taxes taxes taxes , weather adjustments and a whole host of gimmicks to separate one from ones hard earned $ ... It’s not going to get cheeper that’s for sureIt's nearly 100% of home heating for me, Kyle...that makes it serious. Cold houses suck