The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

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Just back from a BJJ seminar up the road. Professor Bruno Carvalho (Black belt 4th Dan and also a Black belt in Judo). He held a seminar in Gi which was great.

Haakon had his knee surgery last Monday so was on the sidelines watching. Got to keep his interest there.

There was also a nogi seminar on afterwards. An OG of Norwegian BJJ. Jan Olav Einemo fought a couple of times in the UFC and the only European to win the ADCC and only man to beat Roger Gracie at the ADCC in 2003. What an absolute beast of a man. Really nice guy though who took around 20 minutes to chat to Haakon about his injury, recovery, BJJ in Norway, Muay Thai and MMA. It was a nice touch.

Was a great way to spend a Saturday Morning. Looking forward to getting in the mat this week as I have been out for a while with a few niggles.

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That sounds awesome!

That dude has a fighter's dome/chin! Too bad you couldnt roll with him, that would be an experience.

I didn't know your son hurt his knee, what happened, how's the prognosis?
That sounds awesome!

That dude has a fighter's dome/chin! Too bad you couldnt roll with him, that would be an experience.

I didn't know your son hurt his knee, what happened, how's the prognosis?

Cory, he was training really hard in September, he had a MT fight on the 1st October and then was due to compete in a BJJ tournament 23rd October.

He was stepping g up the training and was at BJJ when he tried to defend a sweep and it didn’t go too well. Twisted knee and split his meniscus.

Luckily there was insurance through the club so we got into see a specialist and they decided to operate due to his age. In an adult they would just remove the Meniscus but they decided to sew it back together and reattach it.

Haakon is a bit gutted as he had quite a few bits and pieces lined up, including the Norwegian MT National Championship next weekend.

He had the operation last Monday and has to be none weight (max 20kg) bearing for 6 weeks and then probably out for 6 months rehab before martial arts again.

He has already been doing a Strength program from one of the coaches at the gym, which can be adapted for his rehab.

The surgeons said the op went really well and now it is down to Haakon and the rehab to make a full recovery.

Fingers crossed 🤞
Geez that sucks big time but yeah, due to his age a full recovery sounds promising.

You mentioned Jan Olav gave him some advice re the injury, curious if you can share that here.
Geez that sucks big time but yeah, due to his age a full recovery sounds promising.

You mentioned Jan Olav gave him some advice re the injury, curious if you can share that here.

Something I didn’t know but Jan Olav had a few years out of competition due to a flesh eating infection on his foot.

I didn’t exactly hear what he said to Haakon as I as on the mat. But he was just encouraging Haakon to keep going to training to watch, it increases the desire to train when it is so close. Also to train other areas, get a strong back and shoulders and the rest will come.

It was nice to see, he also works as a fisherman up in Finnmark these days and was chatting about Haakons great uncle being a whaler up there.

Even if I had heard the full conversation, they were chatting in Norwegian so I wouldn’t have had a clue anyway. 😂
I’ll tell you something for nothing. Gordon Ryan is a big dude. Did you see the post on Instagram about 3 weeks ago where he was in Hawaii with Jason Mamoa.

Holy shit samwitch, Aquaman made Gordon look pretty small.
Rich, how did you like that crazy take down from the rear?!?
The mechanics of it are simple. A bit like when you were at school and one of your friends kneels down behind someone and you push them over your mate.

If it is the one I think you mean, he basically pulled him backwards over his own leg LOL.

It could have gone a bit wrong mind. Imagine of The Mountain fell on top of you, that would hurt quite a bit.
Yes that's the one. Yes, simple indeed but well executed with the surprise factor being key to unbalance the behemoth.

And yes, if he fell on you that could be real bad
Fun and cool perspective from Gordon Ryan on what it was like rolling with those beasts. Starts at 25:00

Wouldn't surprise me if this has been posted somewhere earlier in this thread, but if not, here ya geaux :rockhard:

It's two master story tellers, Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo, chatting on Rogan's podcast about Kron Gracie, and their conversation was then put to highlights of Kron in the BJJ tourney at hand. It is classic.

Lol "squooze"

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And New.

Haggery does it again with an outstanding performance, defeating Nong O for the Bantamweight belt.

Everyone doubted him as Nong O is a machine and has KO’d / won, defended his title 8 times.


That was savage. Do they always use those small gloves in Muay Thai? I'd thought the gloves were larger but maybe I'm thinking about kick boxing.

How's Haakon's knee coming along?
That was savage. Do they always use those small gloves in Muay Thai? I'd thought the gloves were larger but maybe I'm thinking about kick boxing.

How's Haakon's knee coming along?

ONE FC Muay Thai fights are in 4 oz mma gloves. Traditional Muay Thai stadium fights are 8oz boxing gloves.

Haakons knee is getting better. Thanks for asking. He is doing lots of physio and strength training and back at MT and BJJ on time each week.

Stig, Nong O has been a supreme
Champion for quite a few years. Pretty much the poster boy fighting in his own town and country. I reckon there might have been a bit of fuss if they stopped it and the crowd thought it was early.

I agree though he was pretty out of it after the first knock down.
ONE FC Muay Thai fights are in 4 oz mma gloves. Traditional Muay Thai stadium fights are 8oz boxing gloves.
Good info, thx. Those 4 oz gloves are nasty imo. The ninja, my former climber, had some amateur mma fights and I checked out his gloves, made me think I'd rather get hit by a bare fist than those gloves.

Good news re Haakon, keep us posted.
Oh wow I can't wait to watch that. Magnus keeps mining new, interesting territory
I haven't yet either but if you are not familiar with Magnus, he is an elite rock and boulder climber possessing extreme physical strength and he does vids where he often tries different physical challenges. Lotta good , entertaining vids