The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

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Damn that is savage. Reminds me that everything is basically a question of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Good find. That is high-level conditioning. Body and weapon hardening. In Bando, we have "tension forms" what you saw them doing. You learn to consciously tense and untense parts of the body...sometimes all of the body, sometimes just what is needed. The striking while in the tension stage helps one understand what it can feel like to get hit. Those were good videos.
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That old dude looks tougher than wang leather. Made of spring steel and whale bone.

Do you think doing that stuff over the course of years would f up your hands or just make em generally bullet proof?
I have wondered the same. I have seen some guys with crippled up hands....done properly, without mis-use or abuse, I think it can be OK.

I did hand conditioning around 2010 for a few years....followed my teacher's instructions, used Chinese "linament"....Dit Da Jow....and my hands felt good. I got them conditioned enough I was able to crack coconuts with a palm heel strike. Not always on the first hit...but my hand could withstand it.

I have considered going back to some basic hand conditioning to see how it would be now...the improved circulation might help some arthritis I have in some fingers...or not. We'll see.

The arthritis was present when I was conditioning and seemed to get better...hence my thinking of I might try it again.
Yeah that's kinda why I posted it here. I would say the puncher has trained.
That last instagram link is broken for me.

But over the years this has been a awesome thread to follow. I've never been to heavy into martial arts, some karate as a kid and some tae kwon do as an adult when my daughter was younger. Never held any high belts or anything but always really enjoyed it, the conditioning/training aspect the most. Being on my third or fourth set of front teeth has really sucked the wind out of my desire for contact sports, but I still find myself considering some training for the conditioning aspect. Still really enjoy all the input here, inspiring.
That last instagram link is broken for me.

But over the years this has been a awesome thread to follow. I've never been to heavy into martial arts, some karate as a kid and some tae kwon do as an adult when my daughter was younger. Never held any high belts or anything but always really enjoyed it, the conditioning/training aspect the most. Being on my third or fourth set of front teeth has really sucked the wind out of my desire for contact sports, but I still find myself considering some training for the conditioning aspect. Still really enjoy all the input here, inspiring.

Justin, check out Cobra Kai on Netflix if you haven't already... it is a blast from the past. If that doesn't get your juices flowing, there is no hope for you mate... ;)
That last instagram link is broken for me.

Its broken for me now, too. I looked on IG, couldn't find it again. But fyi, it was a vid of a fully naked white guy walking in traffic and blocking a car; car tries to go around naked guy but not enough room. Driver gets out of car and calmly walks up to naked guy who is very casually standing there blocking traffic. A few words briefly exchanged between driver and naked guy, driver looks away for a moment then let's loose a lighting fast right hook to guys face who drops like a lead weight, back of his head bouncing hard off the pavement, end of vid. Definite one punch KO
Alrighty then, many of you are no doubt aware that last weekend Khabib basically walked through the extremely tough Justin Gaetche to defend his 155lb UFC belt, he put him to sleep early in rd 2.

Ive long found Khabib to produce some excellent quotes and philosophy, I have one or two of em in my clipboard. Anyway, here is a nice collection of Khabib:

My 15-year-old grandson is showing some fine skill development...Put up a rope and they will climb. These boys (Hayden, 15 and Landon, 10) are developing real skills...and strength...and daring. Hayden just took it to a new level. In the past, we were impressed when he could grab the rail and hold with one hand while he climbed up onto it. Tonight he taught himself to transition from running.... to a smooth perch onto the rail. I hope to get some good daylight videos of him doing this.
Looks like fun! Nice when having fun also builds ability
Building self-confidence and real world strength skills is what I like. Not all keyboard and inside but actually doing something.
Totally agree. But have you noticed what I feel I've seen- more kids outside playing lately, less stuck inside on vid games or social media. Pre covid, too.

5 y a, seems like one definetly noticed less kids outside playing.
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Great stuff.

Haakons been training pretty hard for a fight in December but that has been cancelled now.

Stillkeeping at it and he loves parkour. I keep stressing a core strength is something to build everything else from. Balance coordination and strength.

We have started doing some callisthinetics workouts at home. Heis also doing a 100 push up training program. The goal is to be able to do 100 off the bat.

He is getting there...


Once we have finished building the garage and extension, I am gonna put up a couple of chin bars and maybe a rope for pull-ups. Gotta balance all that pushing with approx double the amount of pulling.

Also, pull-ups with some fat bull rope and a couple of knots is great training for the Thai clinch.

By the time this Covid malarkey is over he will be a beast if he keeps it up.
Here are some ab/core work the second video, going from standing to upside down on the rope is good for hand and ab strength training...but also serves for slamming extension of an arm bar:

Most excellent.

I think I've seen the second one before. How old were you when these recorded?

If you were in early 60's, extremely impressive. IMO, 95% of folks in their early 60's couldn't do that stuff.
You are 69 y o now? Nice.

Just wondering, do you think you could do all or most of that now?