Wouldn't want to put in a don't- rappel -offa -your - rope - n- die knot. Way too much work, like it's too much work in tree work.Wow, really cool background there, thanks for sharing!
So the srt- toss-rope-over-building-thing, the 2 guys would counterbalance each other/ no tying off the rope? Crazy!!
Ive heard of that in rock climbing, 2 guys simul-rappeling off of one rope hanging with it's approximate mid point on an anchored biner. But it killed noted climber Brad Gobright recently when he inadvertently rapped off his end of the rope, fell and died. His partner fell too of course when Brad's weight disappeared off the rope, but a much shorter distance and landed on a ledge and survived.
Nope, for getting into a major fight with the Danish version of the treelovers club, a couple of years before.Yup, for want of a stopper knot
+ infinity. I'm an out of shape non climber, and srt makes me almost functional. Huge game changer, especially if you start getting into the redirects. ... srt allows you to easily change your tip to anywhere in space, multiple times, with the exact same friction.... I carry a handled ascender with a revolver if i ever feel the need to have ma to come back from a limb walk, even easier than ddrt. Add an extra long double end lanyard and a throwing hook and it's insane.