I can’t speak for any individual persons body because we have all adapted to different things to some degree. I’m just sharing some science I’ve learned from becoming a trainer. On the nature of feeling thirsty, as soon as your mouth feels dry, that’s not a warning that you are going to be dehydrated soon but it’s a warning that you are already experiencing the beginning stages of dehydration. When water assists or is required for our body to undergo almost 99% of its functions, it’s the most important aspect. Even in weight lifting I have seen this concept true. At the point of your mouth getting dry, it’s already too late to recover from that quickly and would see strength loss in the gym. Hydration is based on the day before not the day of. Chugging water all day because your thirsty isn’t that days fault, but that started the day or night before. When I first started training seriously and was drinking so much water, I would have to pee all the time as well. But just how our body can adapt to less water, it can adapt back to the proper amount or an abundance of it and not have to go to the bathroom all the time. Or maybe that’s just what western medicine tells me and I’m screwed in 20 years 😝