SRT Revolution - Why Now?

Odis sisk and the folks at sterlimg rope have done a few drop tests with the rope wrench as has drew bristow in new zealand. I have done a few with wooden wrenches. It really does ce down to hitch and rope interaction. There are so many variables but so far it appears that a hitch that grabs will grab. A looser hitch with a stiffer cord perhaps will not. Tophopper, you been dissin SRT systems for a while now since the f8 revolver. Indiana comp 9 out od 30 climbers on the wrench. Same stats at the kentucky comp. SRT has won 3 chapter master challenges so far and SRT is not even allowed! Go figure. Many ways to skin a cat, but tophopper you inspire me. Thanks for doubting. I still recall your wager on the buzz. Still waiting
Thanks for the info Kevin. I think a really interesting test would be to see how much friction the Wrench sees verses the hitch cord. Without a doubt, the RW sees more, but how much?
Thanks for the info Kevin. I think a really interesting test would be to see how much friction the Wrench sees verses the hitch cord. Without a doubt, the RW sees more, but how much?

Also, can the normally used hitch hold and stop without the Wrench? If so, this would prove that the RW is not required for life support.

Most of the tests were " worst case scenario" tests. Thats whats important. This means that the climber is ascending, the hitch is not engaged, nor is the wrench. Like the climber is not tending his slack well while returning from a limb walk. The wrench is riding on top of the hitch. Endless combinations of cordage, hitch, and rope combos are possible. I recomend a supple cord that lays flat when pinched. This seems to hug the rope better. Stiff and thin ascent static lines i find harder to find a solid hitch. For thos of you climbing on ascenders or crolls etc. I would be really worried about dynamic falls. Make sure your redirects dont go over any hidden suckers or you could shred your climbing line.

SRT climbing for ascent is a way different ball game than srt working. I sometimes ascend ddrt and switch to srt for work. Obviously the wraptor is currently probably the best way to access the tree. But in the end it shaves off minutes. I think there is a general overemphasis on ascent techniques. If it takes 20 seconds or five minutes to get up the tree... Who cares... When your going to be in the tree 4 hours. Srt working cuts off hours from my work day. I recall being a fairly productive climber ddrt but I cant imagine working that way anymore.
Older climbers with damaged shoulders care a great deal, young Mr. Bingham. I simply don't have the capability any more to manually SRT ascend the distances required by the tree heights in my part of the world, then work the tree several hours...not twice in a day, anyway. It's not the minutes, it's the miles :D.
I have been doing tests with gym weights. I have a rope hangin from the rafters with a wrench on it. I hang weights on the tail. Say ten pounds. I then hang weights on the wrench, I hang weights on the wrench until it begins to slide down the rope. For example with a ten pound weight on the rope, it takes 52 pounds for the wrench to slide. A 35 lbs weight required 120 lbs on the rope to slide it. This was on poison ivy in middle position on the adjustment. This means that a 155 lbs man must take 35 lbs of weight with the hitch and arm to cause the weight to slide. I ran out of weights at that point. There are variables. The mid line attachable pin gives slightly different results. Ropes are somewhat different so is the adjustment of wrench. The differences are subtle.
Kevin, thanks for the props on the Wraptor.

I agree whole heartedly about using cammed ascenders, small drops can result in serious rope damage...

As to the Wraptor saving seconds on the ascent, it is not about saving time, its about saving energy and increasing safety. In want to try out a Wrench, where would you prefer I purchase?? Can I get it direct from you????
I want to do this test with figure eights, rig plates, rAcks, etc. The more results the better so if any one has extra weights lying around and wants to contribute results with various descent devices that would be cool.
Yes, i hear you on the miles. That is huge. I will be in the market for one soon enough im afraid. I enjoy the morning hike at the moment. Trees are different out here too. I realized those tall pines in east texas were another animal if you had a bunch of them to do. If i had to work in those all day up and down. I would want a wraptor. Definetly worth every penny and many more along the way. Dont doubt the wraptor the futire and the present all day. If i had one in the truck it woild totally get used plenty. I dont ride bikes to work anymore. I miss those days
Add another 50% in height to those east TX pines to get the average PNW conifer I've spent near 3 decades working. Your body will let you down in the end, everyone's will, with the rare exception :cry:.
Yes, and in some neighborhoods a nice complete canopy that allows me to go tree to tree and thus cut my ascent time even furthur.
Excuse me Kevin...... Ive been dissing SRT? I see a place and thats all. Also I never wagered you, I made a blanket statement about SRT......then you won your local comp using SRT and I owe you because of that? If you wanted to wager me the time to do so is before, you dont win your comp and then after the fact say "oh Ill take that wager, now that Ive won the comp" Pffft. Just because you SRT everything doesnt mean its the new revolution. if you must know, I was using SRT before you even knew what SRT was. Fact is, you may have won a comp (or even 2) using SRT, but a comp is only a comp.......the real world is quite diffferent I assure you. Maybe you can prune to your heart's content using SRT, but you cant hold a candle to Ddrt for doing take downs.

And I know Ive inspired you recall what my primary objection to your f8 system was? I do. Funny, you've developed a device called a rope wrench to make descending SRT on a hitch safe. Your welcome. Glad I could inspire you to develop that, which addressed my issue with your orig f8 system.
Maybe you owe me?
Your right, i probably owe you more than anything. I appreciate your comments and realize what works for me doesnt need to work for everybidy. I personnly have never won a comp SRT by the way. Had better luck ddrt. My local comp did not allow ddrt this year. Won a few work climbs at other comps. SRT for removals all day. Especially on a spar. Ddrt doesnt hold a candle to SRC on removals. (fore anyway). Ceane removals is another story.
Its all good. I like the wrench, you took an issue that needed to be addressed, thought outside the box, and developed something to fix it. Nice work.

You should hang around a bit, ya know we talk about other things here too.
Im here a lot, reading about stuff. I get excited when people start talking Srt. Im on my i phone with slow wifi in the airport sorry about typos
Kevin, I was talking to Rich Hattier last week about different hitch cords to use with the RW and he actually suggested Tenex. I'm still going to try the 8 mm OP with a short VT, but from the sounds of what you and Rich are saying, the softer, flatter grabbing cord may be the way to go.