Nick from Ohio
I shouldn't really be replying to this because of my limited experience with SRT but I just didn't really feel comfortable with it. Nothing felt right with all my weight on the hitch. I wasn't too keen on just being on one rope tied to the base of the tree. That same rope would catch limbs, guide them down to the base of the tree. Getting the system set-up was time consuming to me. Using mechanical acenders with backups frustrated me. I just shucked the whole system.
Sorry for being so negative. I guess I am just a little too old fashion for the newer methods. I can see where it appeals to the younger guys.
I have not tried it but Gerry's method of using two foot acsenders on a single line looks the slickest and easiest method to me for a long hike into a big tall tree if you don't want to hoof it by doing the old fashioned footlocking or doing the single line footlock thing.
I use a ropewalker on my DDRT all the time..might seem silly but if you are going to use a DDRT why not save the effort on ascending. I use a method i learned from one of Gerrys vids where he uses a foot strap, which i made myself, a pantin and a croll with the bungee on the "knee ascender" attached to a small prussick (throw line) on the standing line. Gerrys vid used two pantins (one stripped of its foot strap) but i bought a croll because of its increased versatility in other applications.