SRT Revolution - Why Now?

And why is it people always say "well so and so does it, it must be good...." who cares

sorry, long day today

yup that's it, maybe this is a well known system already just haven't hear much mention to it in using as a tie off for climbin srt...

I've been wanting to make one for awhile, definitely sweet for spar work, saves tying those long tailed running bowlines and stuff. I've seen a few guys rocked it out for an SRT anchor as well, nothing wrong with it. I have the stuff for one I think, just been lazy about it lol.
Don't believe it's any one being closed minded. I don't see it as an every day for every tree type system. If that is how you are presenting it.
Crap man do a vid up of it. Stating why you like it & how it is easier for you while showing its use. It's obvious from your post you see some very strong merit in it.
I would be more inclined to try it out if I didn't have to girth tie my life line at the base of the tree. Been thinking about how it would work if I tied a running bowline at TIP with say a zing it line tied to the knot so it could be pulled out from the ground. Make sense??

Before becoming a tree guy this was the only ay i knew to climb a tree... Being a rock climber i knew how to RADS ascend with a GriGri and a mechanical hand ascender but this required a fixed line. We threw everything other than a throw weight, (water bottle, sandal, rock, biners, etc.) into the tree and then tied a figure eight on a bight at the end, clipped a biner to it and choked the main line. We would attach a small tag line (or another rock rope entirely) and run the entire thing up the tree.

We would RADS up the tree, have our fun and then lower down on our shared GriGri, pulling it up after each guy. @ the end of the day we would pull the whole system down and pack it out.

Obviously I have refined my methods since then but i still think a biner on the end of the rope (albeit with a bowline) and a tag line is a pretty nice method of retrieval.

A running bowline with something small like zing it as a pull line faced with some friction from the tree could probly end up a bit of an endeavor to pull down. I think 100' of something more substantial like 6mm cord would work best nd might end up having some other uses as well.
Darin, if you think a handsaw can't easily cut a DRT line, you need to start shopping for a better class of hand saws.
There was a video up a couple of years ago, where someone sit about a foot above ground and hit hhis line with a Silky, just to demonstrate it.
Scared the crap out of me.
Don't believe it's any one being closed minded. I don't see it as an every day for every tree type system. If that is how you are presenting it.
Crap man do a vid up of it. Stating why you like it & how it is easier for you while showing its use. It's obvious from your post you see some very strong merit in it.

Better yet, do multiple vids on it and come across as extremely condescending to anyone who doesn't completely agree. That'll get people to sit up and take notice.
I just don't wanna be hanging on to one 'lil skinny old rope when I'm doing something like this > > >
Darin, if you think a handsaw can't easily cut a DRT line, you need to start shopping for a better class of hand saws.
There was a video up a couple of years ago, where someone sit about a foot above ground and hit hhis line with a Silky, just to demonstrate it.
Scared the crap out of me.

That was Pete McTree. Hopefully he will post it up.
Yup, it clearly showed that it is a fallacy to believe that 2 ropes are safer than one.
Logic tell us the same thing, wheter you are hanging from one rope or a double rope, all you need to cut in order to fall is one rope.
I definitely won't throw the baby out with bath water

You are pretty judgmental Cary

Being a effective climber is about improve when the need arrises
jugged miles of rope "srt" before i started much so, I still laugh how folks think it is the savior to tree work

I like my diverse bag of tricks....SRT is not special IMO..

i should work on my ABS more though.....

since i started bouldering again, I have realized how rope dependent I have become...F**k!

I get a kick out of it too. It's just another tool in the kit.
Use a ladder/ loader/ handtruck to put your base-tie above ground worker's reach. It would be in reach with the same tool in the event of needing to do an emergency lower-out.

Is it only me and my paranoia or does anybody else see a potential hazard with having basically 2 ropes in different locations that if compromised could result in death, I say compromised NOT specifically cut as I could see events such as logs smashing or limbs getting tangled etc being hazardous. At least with Ddrt both legs are in one location and are ABOVE YOU.

The Rope Wrench does intrigue me for increased efficiency, if indeed it is but so far Im not seeing the benefit being worth the additional hazard of a girth tied life line. I need to look at methods of securing the line topside that is retrievable AND which I can trust. Im an old scared climber and NEED to trust my system
Yup, it clearly showed that it is a fallacy to believe that 2 ropes are safer than one.
Logic tell us the same thing, wheter you are hanging from one rope or a double rope, all you need to cut in order to fall is one rope.

Yep, and that's why I climb QRT.
I try not to push SRT too much, because as others have said, its just another tool in the box. But one thing I have noticed the the notion that one must tie off at the base pretty much everytime unless you use a running bowline at the TIP. There are multiple ways to tie in using SRT, it just takes a little ingenuity and tinkering. The Monkey tail is a solid method, another is the Ring/Ring FS trick. Just have to apply them as they fit the tree.

As for Paul's concern about having essentially "two" ropes, instead of just the one above you, yes, it takes a bit of getting used too. When I first started climbing SRT, I pretty much exclusively used base ties, because thats all I knew at the time. There'd be times I would take a swing because I had my chainsaw and my swing would take me and it towards the anchor end of my line, and I didn't want anything getting nicked. That still happens from time to time, but with practice and knowledge of different tie in methods, I've gotten over most of the those problems. You just have to be aware where the anchor end is and where you and your work is in relation to that anchor end.
Is it only me and my paranoia or does anybody else see a potential hazard with having basically 2 ropes in different locations that if compromised could result in death, I say compromised NOT specifically cut as I could see events such as logs smashing or limbs getting tangled etc being hazardous. At least with Ddrt both legs are in one location and are ABOVE YOU.

The Rope Wrench does intrigue me for increased efficiency, if indeed it is but so far Im not seeing the benefit being worth the additional hazard of a girth tied life line. I need to look at methods of securing the line topside that is retrievable AND which I can trust. Im an old scared climber and NEED to trust my system

Not just you my friend but when raising such senarios on another forum I got some very short shrift.
The removable pin for the RW makes it a very versatile tool, you can switch from SRT to old school with ease, well worth purchasing IMO.
Is it only me and my paranoia or does anybody else see a potential hazard with having basically 2 ropes in different locations that if compromised could result in death, I say compromised NOT specifically cut as I could see events such as logs smashing or limbs getting tangled etc being hazardous. At least with Ddrt both legs are in one location and are ABOVE YOU.

The Rope Wrench does intrigue me for increased efficiency, if indeed it is but so far Im not seeing the benefit being worth the additional hazard of a girth tied life line. I need to look at methods of securing the line topside that is retrievable AND which I can trust. Im an old scared climber and NEED to trust my system

PCTREE, Paul i think?

Have you tried the method i outlined in my previous post? using a tagline and a biner choked and ran up the tree might give you what you need. Im not a SRT preacher by anymeans, i dont own a RW but i would like to try one out. Ive always SRT on my grigri.