Official Guns Thread

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Czed, have you seen/handled/shot the new Shield Plus in .30 Super Carry?
No sir great idea though but I really don't know anyone that has one
I did see that mag guts and other's have plus 2 mag extensions for the 9mm
Shield plus that's a lot of ammo in a tiny pistol I'll get some one of these day's.
That xd hellcat pro is really what I'd like
15+1 in a very good to me size
That would be comfortable to carry all year
Maybe after I sell a few I'll get one.
Deal alert...

Nice day we went shooting IMG_20220909_123226020_HDR.jpg IMG_20220909_123527246_HDR.jpg
I need to practice with the gx4 more that's two groups it'll shoot much better IMG_20220909_125755228_HDR.jpg
Guests have not listened and shot his silhouette target's with high powered rifle's IMG_20220909_130005745.jpg
I'm going to build him some more rifle target's IMG_20220909_130058009.jpg
His old 100 yd 3" thick steel target.
Stephen, if you looked down in the Q&A section at the bottom, you should have seen this:

Can this item be ship to California?
Bill P.May 3, 2019
Best Answer: The end product needs to meet state standards. The best approach is to move out of California to a free state.
From another somewhat unrelated blog:

“Why Not — Makes Sense to Me”:
  1. Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Time to raise the age of smart phone ownership to 21?
  2. If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be like Mayberry, RFD.
  3. The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
  4. Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you’d know it.
  5. When JFK was killed nobody blamed the rifle.
  6. The NRA murders 0 people and receives 0 in government funds. Planned parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
  7. I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we’re at it, let’s do the same when it comes to immigration, voter I.D. and candidates running for office.
  8. Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and probably has a trillion rounds. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that would work out?
  9. A man who left 300,000 guns for the Taliban is lecturing folks on gun control.
Since last winter I've taken over 10 thousand .22 shells to my friend Charles he calls when he gets low IMG_20221007_143223236_HDR.jpg
He called yesterday that he couldn't get any shells to chamber so I stopped by to clean them for him
The far right pistol he's shot the barrel loose from the frame
It can't be tightened so I'll send it back to Ruger
I had to scrub all the cylinders and bores to get the lead out
He shoots every day he switched to his tx .22 while I cleaned the revolvers.
I get really bored reloading .22 Revolvers. But if like Charles you have all day then I guess its nice.

I havnt bought a gun for quite some time, I will have to change that soon. I have a couple of loverly Muzzle loaders I might sell or trade away.


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Seated and taking my time the the tx .22 does good at 7 yards IMG_20221007_141559676_HDR.jpg
I’m low on .22, 9mm, .40 and .45….whenever you get a chance to swing by…😳
He's a dad to me they call me his 4th son lol
We shot together in idpa for 25+ year's recently he had to stop driving
But I'm surprised at how much he still loves to shoot it keeps him active.
Oh and he pays for the ammo I couldn't afford him.