Official Guns Thread

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Just a reminder…only a few days left if you’re wanting an 80% lower…Biden’s law to save us all goes into effect on the 24th…

Still have a mill? 😆
Got one of my Contenders back from the gunsmith today.
Very late production gen l frame. Damn spring was so stiff on the release it was hard to open, as in 2x compared to my other ones.
Lighter spring and a little honing on rough surfaces and life is a little better.

Spent time at my cousin's friend's farm, which he has a interesting arrangement for target shooting set up. A 30 yard squared area for handgun/AR usage with metal plates, target frames and metal targets, and then a rolling hillside with targets from 75 out to 550 yards, with multiple firing locations along a intro downhill. Got to shoot my 9 and 22 revolver. My cousin let me shoot his AR15 and his Win-308 hunting rifle. He set me up on the 308 after he was done hitting a bunch of shots out at 515 yds, and I hit 9 consecutive on a target 125 yds out. See pic of my target and sporting the AR:


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My 80 year old friend wanted fiber optic sights after trying mine so I put them on his tx .22 IMG_20220823_145309772_HDR.jpg
He shoots every morning at his range to keep himself busy IMG_20220823_143639735_HDR.jpg
I painted his front sight on his birdshead Wrangler bright orange
It really helps him see.
I bought the APX Carry for the other half. She wants the revolver, so I may get to keep a nice carry piece. Great deal on that.
Need to work on that grip in the first pic. Setting up for slide bite!
I agree
But he's owned a shooting range for more than 40 year's shooting idpa and silhouette competitions
he just had to modify his grip because of arthritis he gets injections
But they don't last long his hands draw up
The wrangler birdshead is the most comfortable for him
He shoots every day that he's able.
I bought the APX Carry for the other half. She wants the revolver, so I may get to keep a nice carry piece. Great deal on that.
I never would have thought I'd rather shoot the compacts and micro compacts that are out there now
But I always grab one
Just plain fun to shoot and virtually as accurate with practice
I definitely don't need another 9mm
But that berreta is a good deal.
Wrong thread for politics, stop spreading it everywhere since it's worse than herpes. Remember how i said there would be consequences for trying to ban abortion illegally? This is the answer to that, they passed it knowing that it was illegal but knowing you can't do anything other than moan like you like it. The Texas law mechanism that the Supreme court decided to let stand because of their personal political views on abortion gave precedent to allow states or even local authorities to make random illegal laws enforced by citizens in a civil setting, completely going against any checks and balances built into the constitution. Congrats, you caught the bus, hope it was worth it. It's gonna get so much worse too, until we clear the unqualified trash your criminal lord put there and have enough challenges to force them to overturn this precedent.
Stephen shouldn't have posted that here, and you didn't need to say how we need millions of sharpshooters to kill politicians.
I post things about changing laws on firearms to keep folks informed. Gun owners need to know what is going on and how it will effect them. And it should go in the gun thread seeing that it's a gun thread.
These laws are coming down the pike for a lot of folks and will eventually effect them in other states across the nation.
So. New guns laws. Do we really need a need thread? I dont think so.
As Stephen said above, it's a gun thread, and all things guns (laws included) should be discussed here. Not agreeing with laws and voicing said opinions is not political, but the right of a citizen as per 1A (kudos Bob). Kyle, your intelligent, so show some more and just learn to ignore it if you don't like something posted in a thread. Nuff said.

Add-on: Things get political when you antagonize another for their given beliefs, and then engage with them on that argument. Commenting on government stupidity is only "political" if someone isn't grown up enough to realize everyone has a right to their opinion, just like their ability to have/be an asshole.
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What are your thoughts on the EZs? I don’t care for them myself. I prefer a striker-fire or true hammer-fire.
Grip doesn't suit me it's too vertical but they are accurate enough I ran the plate rack a few time'sthe trigger isn't near as good as the plus
Just feels odd kinda like one of the old smith t handle aluminum framed pistols 39/59 series
Finally got a moment to watch it, and this is a lovely example of not understanding something and then talking about it on YouTube and calling it news. Illinois isn't a gun friendly state, understandably when you have places like Chicago and St Louis with the associated gangs. Right or wrong, in illinois they do a background check on you and issue you what they call a foid card, which is needed to exercise your 2nd amendment here much like a driver's license is. What he's talking about is a round of foid compliance checks, which he takes 7 min to say is bad like nazis.

What he's completely clueless about is that they do this all the time, this isn't even remotely new. He's also clueless what that actually means in illinois, going with his opinions of the term rather than simply looking it up for himself. What is happening is that every so often the police decide to do a pseudo audit of violent offenders in the area and make sure they're doing their job and making sure they're following the law. So the neighbor down the road that got drunk and knocked his girlfriend's teeth out? Yup, he's gonna get a compliance check, and the police will try to talk to everyone they can to see if they feel safe. Often they simply have to fill out paperwork to transfer the guns to family members, but it's a way for police to make sure violent people are disarmed according to the law. Long story short the only people who get compliance checks are people who were known to own guns, were violent to the point where they can't own guns anymore, and were expected to still have guns despite knowing it's a crime.