In The News...

The journalism sounds like a bit of rubbish...."...and has reignited a long-running debate over the killings of young black men by white people...." As if black folks never kill white people..... If these two killed the guy in cold blood, HANG THEM. No need to invoke race into the equation....
Cops not doing their jobs. Even if you accept the original position, there's enough room for debate to take it to a court to decide.

According to this the original DA saw no reason to arrest the two, he saw the video and chose not to prosecute.

Thats the rub of it, it’s only because the video surfaced and public pressure forced the arrests.

That is why it’s a race issue.
There should be hefty penalties for lawyers who don't do their jobs. I'd have to look into this particular case a bit more, but shooting from the hip, I don't think being fired and disbarred would be excessive. That's kicking the can down the road, and putting the onus on the regulatory board(are they corrupt too?), but it would make people take their jobs seriously going forward.
Bearing in mind that the Father was an ex cop, do you think that it’s just “not doing their job” or good old fashioned corruption and helping an old friend avoid prosecution for murder?
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"not doing their job", covers everything from mistakes to malfeasance, which I think is what's happening here. More benign mistakes would carry a lesser punishment of course.
Yo is there a vid of the shooting? The vid in post 7562 shows virtually nothing
It seems to have largely disappeared from the internet, at least the key bit.

I have seen a fuller version, but that was a couple of days ago now.