I was sarcastic on my last point.I daresay I am no more opinionated than anyone else. And I’d like you to quote any text of mine that led you to believe I was okay with MURDER, regardless of the flavor of the victim. As to its legality in “Alabama”, it’s no more legal than anywhere else. Are you being sarcastic or antagonistic?
I am confused with the regardless after MURDER in your sentence above. The way I read it, is that depending on the tan level of a person you could kill him/her? Don't answer, I'm teasing!

You mention the 'flavor' of the victim... This does not exist for a human being. Whether the person is white, black, yellow, green like Hulk or red like your idiotic pres. , we all are biologically identical. I think using the expression 'flavor of the victim' is discriminatory. Does it come from the times when in the south states of the US, it was legal to rape the female slaves? Flavor... really?
Based on your posts 7565 and 7581, your first reaction was not to be ashamed but try to convince us that it was not a racist crime. When Mick could not retrieve the complete video your reaction was that it did not happen... That's why I was waiting for your reaction when Nick found it again and posted it. This was my train of thought and I was hoping that you would show some kind of empathy for the victim.
The killers treated the young black man as a person inferior to them (in others words as a sub-sh..t), simply because of his tan level. This is racism!!!