I like a challenge.....
I've always liked having a challenge, maybe that's why I love tree work so much. Heights don't bother me, and each tree ALWAYS gives you it's own "peculiar" set of challenges, I love that!
The reason I say all that is I have a double braid bull rope. I think it's BlackMAX(Bailey's brand?)3/4", 200' long. On some tree work I recently did I hit it with my saw and destroyed the cover

. Barely touched the core, but with the cover ruined the rope needs to be cut,

or taken out service

Weeeeell, having just spliced up two eyes on an fs without "too much" trouble, I looked up how to splice two ropes together..... Here's what I came up with.
Here's the before.
.....and here's some views of the after, still need whipping twine to finish it off though.....
Really happy with the way the tapers came out. I didn't look for a video to help me, I used the instructions Samson gave on their site, they seemed to be clearer to me as a first timer with an end to end splice. I should've tried to find a video though, I'm sure it would've made it easier for me. Even though it "only" took me 2
[SUB]2[/SUB] hours.....