I am noticing a trend... Most guys that do really nice splices and love doing it A LOT, do not have kids
I would have kids doing my scissor work. Here, cut this strand, then this one, then this one, one more, last one... Good job!
Well, I have one son that's home from college for the summer. He has one more year to go.....so maybe that wouldn't count? :roll:
I've got a funny(interesting)short story to(kinda)go along with my wanting to learn to splice. A "few years" back my wife was learning to crochet, she asked me to learn how so I could "help her out" if she needed some help. Sooooo, to make it a really short story, she's not crocheting and I made two really nice afghans. One took almost a year, Christmas colors. And it more than covers our queen size bed.