Yea, for sure. I can live with it as-is. I'll play with it off and on as the mood strikes. I'd also like to switch over to virt-manager from virtualbox. I have a machine setup, but don't have everything working yet. I'm not used to it, and it's a little more primitive compared to virtualbox, so I'll have to hit up a search engine.
Long term goal(s) is to get the single program all this is for either running natively, or in reactos in a vm. I can run the program natively, but it's through an older/slower protocol. The company used some secret sauce to speed up data transfer, and that company's no longer around, so I can't ask questions. I'm thinking I could get some clues by analyzing the serial port with wireshark, but that's getting pretty far out of my comfort zone, and doing nothing's always easier :^D I'm not into tech as I once was. I'd rather be playing with trees.