How'd it go today?

I can see Merle weighing in here. I wonder where the line is between lotta good working exercise and too much work that breaks a body down.
Maybe there isn't a defined line, but a blurry area where you can't get any benefit without having some cost to pay. Like an engine : It works better if you run it seriously, but that wears it.
I think repetition is the real problem, and that's hard to get away from in an occupational setting. A lot of work with a little bit of everything would be ideal, but most of us do the same things over and over, and stuff wears out.
You know, the first chainsaws I used had no functional antivibe anything on them, they didn't even have chain brakes. We did a lot of free climbing to set lines and then used the shit out of our arms moving around the tree with the coarse climbing systems of the day.

As you know, it's work, not a structured exercise plan. You don't get to stop when things are just right, nicely fatigued and you've had enough, you just keep going until the job is done. I did become incredibly strong but at a cost.
Yeah, non anti vibe saws were brutal, I only had the misfortune of using them for a few months at an archaic treeco I worked for.
Very ugly stacking (i didn't do it), but i got it home. Might be more there than i thought! Also, the general bought lunch for everybody, so it was a pretty good Friday. Layoff likely will be next week, so stars seem to be aligning so i can get some stuff done for a change.

I did a little fieldwork, then spent the rest of the day getting my computer setup. I think I've got just about under control. Got all my scripts and cron jobs setup the way they were before reinstall. I still have a persistent problem with my virtual machine freaking out over the serial port. Not sure what's going on with that. I have a switch that goes between two cables, and it doesn't like one of the cables at all. The other it only gets mildly pissed at, and if I pause and resume the machine, it'll work ok. Dunno if it's a hardware or software issue. Might be the new computer :shrugs:
Yea, for sure. I can live with it as-is. I'll play with it off and on as the mood strikes. I'd also like to switch over to virt-manager from virtualbox. I have a machine setup, but don't have everything working yet. I'm not used to it, and it's a little more primitive compared to virtualbox, so I'll have to hit up a search engine.

Long term goal(s) is to get the single program all this is for either running natively, or in reactos in a vm. I can run the program natively, but it's through an older/slower protocol. The company used some secret sauce to speed up data transfer, and that company's no longer around, so I can't ask questions. I'm thinking I could get some clues by analyzing the serial port with wireshark, but that's getting pretty far out of my comfort zone, and doing nothing's always easier :^D I'm not into tech as I once was. I'd rather be playing with trees.
Looks like it was picked up with a grapple thumb and dropped :^D

I forgot yesterday. I was doing a job on a property where an old woman died, and they were getting ready to sell it all off. There was a container on-site, and I did a little digging on the top of it. There was probably some pretty good stuff farther down, but I don't have the time/inclination to empty and refill a container. Anyway, I found a couple plaques made from cookies cut from beams of the old local church when it was torn down and rebuilt. It had pictures inset into the front with a brief description on a piece of paper stapled into the back. Seemed too nice to just go to the dump. I left them on the front entrance of the church. Hopefully someone will see them, and find value in them. Dunno when that'll happen. Church is closed due to virus for the time being.
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That was actually after i fixed it lol. It was one guy, by himself, chucking it in there from a lift next to it. Anyways, got it home, and there's tons of stuff there for my upcoming projects
Hahhahahahahaha, she knew something was up yesterday when i got home and hitched up the trailer. We had it out then, lol then she calmed down. She hates my redneck hoarding, but it honestly helps pay the bills. If i were to go buy all of that i bet 2k would start to touch it, but maybe not, and that usually ends the argument. I have space, just not plenty of space, and now that my kids are getting older I'm having to clear brush to have space again lol. Actually, tomorrow I'll be on the backhoe grubbing roots out, so i can park trailers there and have more room for the kids. We also get an inflatable pool, so that will go where i have trailers now :lol: i have probably a 150 x 120 area where I'll be seting everything up at, and since I'm planning on parting out a bunch of stuff that will really help too. Worst case i could probably park some stuff elsewhere, but I'm not there yet.
Spent yesterday and part of today doing Tafe assignments. Only 7weeks of so until I finish the course. Currently doing a project to manage trees on development sites. Going to head out later to my friend's place and do a bit of massage work on one of the horses and trim it's hooves as it has a long crack in its hoof from seedy toe. Mainly needs the bars and quarters trimmed.
Looked at more jobs and finished up bids this morning. Made a pit stop at the local arborist supply and spent a bit of money on something shiny. Checked on the crews and helped the mechanic for a few hours in the afternoon. Did a few estimates on the way home and played with the kids before loading up for tomorrow. It was a good day.
In bed now. Got out of the shower, and went to put my shirt on and heard a fairly loud buzz. I line dry my clothes, and thought I maybe got a stink bug in my shirt. After a couple more buzzes, I wasn't feeling too good about the stink bug hypothesis; too vigorous and loud. Go in the bathroom, get my 2019 wesspur catalog ready and shake my shirt. Whatever it is won't fall free. Shake it a couple more times, and figure it's in the sleeve, so I take a peak. There's a Euro hornet in there :^O Flip the sleeve back over, and whack it with the catalog, then shook it out in the toilet. That would have been a very unpleasant surprise if I just threw the shirt on with the hornet inside D^: