How'd it go today?

I hear ya, I can relate, I think we all can. Just a thought: maybe they need more leadership to produce better results and less stress on you. I say this as a natural born non-leader. When I started my tree biz, I always wished tree work could be done solo effectively; sure some guys go solo but ultimately its not me. Leadership is a lot of work but likely worth it. And of course, even in a 3 person crew, there is a lot of leadership or lack there of, going on.

Jocko Willink has some good stuff on it. Amazon product ASIN B07THC92JS

And leadership aint all stuffy and boring. What 09 says there is definetly a component of good leadership.

Ruel, that handle is rad!
If they wont follow simple instruction, if they dont even respond to a question, if no matter what the plan is they take another route because it was a good idea, if you show them how by doing yourself, and they still dont get it. Leadership, is not the issue.
People have to want to absorb shit. They need to be adaptable and modify behaviour, just as their leader does with his management skills around them, for them. If they cant grasp the simplicity of anything, all the leaders in the world can not lead or change anything.
Fully agree.

So the Q becomes do you get rid of them. Or is help far too scarce and therefore you feel you have to put up to it?
Doing good Jim. Kids are tired of this social distancing just like everyone else. They miss their friends and cousins. Wife is dealing with things pretty well. She’s still mean as ever. Parents are doing as good as can be expected. They miss everybody. I’m going to work an hour earlier but getting home most nights by 5 so that gives me a bit more time with them. Dog is doing great. He loves everyone being home all the time.
How is life in Montana?
Hey a lil leadership mention was made above; Rich would you care to give your take on leadership in general or in particular at a tree co, sounds like you are in charge of quite a few guys
Some days the monkeys run the circus. Honestly I’m still figuring it out. Having the Sena systems has helped a lot. I’m good at showing someone how it’s done and can explain what and why I’m doing certain things but have a hard time directing them to do the same thing. Still learning how to lead them is a new challenge. One thing that helps is I get a lot of respect from them. They all know I can do what I’m asking them to do and I’ve been making it a point to keep proving it to them.
I’ve also made it a point to have weekly meetings with the whole company. Just a quick half hour every Thursday morning to talk about stuff. Tomorrow we will talk about doing gear checks before leaving a job site. I’m going on early to climb up 60’ to retrieve a rigging block and ring that a crew forgot. The property owner called in to tell us we left something in a tree. Also let them all know that we’ve had no complaints this week. That’s a big thing when we have 30 guys and 20 trucks on the road every day. Also announcing a new to us chip truck And who gets it. It should be here by Friday.
Excellent, Rich. I would think the weekly meeting is incredibly key toward making everyone on the same page

30 guys and 20 trucks...I'd pass out.

Btw, why didn't you make the guy who forgot the block go get it instead of you
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Fully agree.

So the Q becomes do you get rid of them. Or is help far too scarce and therefore you feel you have to put up to it?
One i have to keep because he is a business partner. At least he shows up and is supportive. Decision making is questionable and has no memory left. He'll probably drop off sooner than later as his COPD is catching up with him as is his alcoholism. He still does not get why i dislike empty beer cans floating around in the back of his truck when he rolls up on the job. ADHD can make for an interesting day x 2. Both him and Ty have it.
Rob will literally answer a question in his head with out speaking up to 3x and then tell you he answered. Ive watched his mouth not move, while he claimed he answered. Ty is the new part timer, easier to deal with, but excitable and loud on the mic. Also does not digest info quickly, like brain on delay. But, once he gets it, he gets it.
Rob can forget what you told him twice the same morning.
Labor pool sux up here. Meth, weed and alcohol. And work ethic really bad. Lucky they show up at all. I remember one time, i had a full kitchen staff at a restaurant i ran here. Busy night. Probably turned 300 dinners. Cops walked in and i lost three in handcuffs just like that. Went from staffed to ohhhh shit. I cooked, waited tables, hosted and cashiered that night. Finally found one high school kid that would come in after practice. If that gives you an idea of what i put up with. Try scheduling work around no shows and drugs.
Um, wow, that is some chit.

The ninja that worked for me, he couldn't absorb verbal instructions well at all. And one instruction at a time was his absolute limit. He is a smart dude but just very different mind set.

You are a worker. Most treeco owners are, right? :drink:
I’ve also made it a point to have weekly meetings with the whole company. Just a quick half hour every Thursday morning to talk about stuff. Tomorrow we will talk about doing gear checks before leaving a job site. I’m going on early to climb up 60’ to retrieve a rigging block and ring that a crew forgot. The property owner called in to tell us we left something in a tree. Also let them all know that we’ve had no complaints this week. That’s a big thing when we have 30 guys and 20 trucks on the road every day. Also announcing a new to us chip truck And who gets it. It should be here by Friday.

That is impressive.

A weekly meeting for everyone is a good shout.
My Husky 346 likes its oil cap snugged lightly. Tighten it hard by hand and you will need tools to get it off.

I remember my old Echo top handle giving me a nice oil bath when the cap fell off. Didn't notice till it was soaking into my saddle and pants. Nice.
My 2511 caps tighten themselves. Snug them by hand and you will need a scrench to get them off, I don't get it.
Cut up a 48" base of a tulip poplar. Hit the fence it was on and broke a clutch spring. Had to finish and keep the gas to her to cut. Fun day...
I spent part of the day in the hospital.
I have 3 fingers on my right hand, the arm where the Ulna is broken, that don't work much.
No feeling in them whatsoever, I can poke them with a needle and not feel a thing.
So they are going to do a scan and some kind of test, where they use electricity to test the conductivity of the nerves.
I imagine it is akin to the thing where you hit a dead frog with electricity and it's legs start going back and forth, except this frog isn't quite dead.

Then they'll decide whether to operate or just hope it gets better over time.

For some reason, most people find it hilarious that someone like me who have always worked in a dangerous profession and ridden motorcycles end up getting thrashed by falling down the stairs.
Sorry to hear that, Stig.

I had that test done, you'll love it, ha! Just kidding it was not bad. Had nerve release surgery done in the end of 2018 on both arms and hands. The years have done a number on my nerves.

Things are better but not great. I can climb as long as it's not to cold out, but I had to get rid of my motorcycles.
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That sucks Stig.

Gotta bring a trailer to work tomorrow to haul my load of old gas pipe home.... should be good for a few projects!
A whole new world opens up to you when you can weld. I couldn't do much of anything useful with that pipe.