How'd it go today?

Lost our ground man. He's off to Colorado for 1-2 months to help out some friends. He's off on good terms and hopes to come back afterward, but it's right as the busy season is cresting for us. I'll be doubling down and pulling more duties as a result, have to truly be the "Swiss army knife" of the crew -- General Purpose. I do have a good friend slated to come on the crew for the duration -- he has a great personality and is a big man, works like a hoss. Should work out okay!
Work is so much fun...

Especially when you have help.

Today Stephen helped a ton...shouldering the majority of the climbing.

Thank you Mucho, Amigo!


We are 180$/ the dump.

Marc... how do you dispose of wood? Nothing > 6inches...
I keep it at home, but I don't bring back the wood very often, so it isn't a problem ...yet. The landscapers I work for, either sell it as low cost firewood (very mixed quality) or use it for themselves, or both.

Speaking of help...
I was topping a cherry laurel hedge, 80 meters long in a backyard, with one side embedded in the rail-link fence of the neighbor (sweet job), 3.5 days total for the cutting, making clean piles of brushes. Initially, he wanted to burn all the mess and I had "just" to do the cutting. Problem, he didn't know that the fires are now forbidden and my little chipper appeared the onliest practicable solution. So, more work for me, cutting and chipping.
For the last day, the HO said that one of his friends will be there to drag the limbs to the chipper. That didn't happen, the friend was already busy. So... HO said " finish the last cuts during the morning (it was a little my first intention), I will help you with the limbs this afternoon".
I had already a bad feeling.
Well, after lunch, he came, filled half of my trolley, barely packed down, and called it good. All of a sudden, he was more interested to remove the weeds of the area to be filled with the chips and some other priority tasks around!
Thanks sir !
I surely hope you find what you are looking for, Jim.

I am somewhat at a lose to understand why adoptees wish to do this sort of search and connection. Clearly it's my lack of being able to see things from your and many others in similar situations, position. To me, the biological process doesn't hold a shade to the parenting process. Seems, the latter ought to be the be-all, in my singularly inexperienced view.

Now please don't take this as criticism, for it is not. But I personally know two adult adoptees who have done what you are doing, found a natural parent, and by their own admission the whole process and their response to it has been very hurtful to their adoptive parents.

That seems to me to be a real negative.

Of course, there are plenty of stories that show the opposite outcome.

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the subject. As always, best wishes, Jim.
My folks encouraged us to seek out the biological side when my sister and I turned 18.

She went looking right away.....and was very disappointed.

I waited til I was in my 30's.

My big motivation was to try and find out some family history. I like the site very much.

Of course, as well as any medical information she might be able to provide me with. Medical info only became important to me once I started having kids. Hence waiting til I was a father.

Its up to her.

I would be neat to get some answers. Would also be neat to find my brother. I have a picture of my birth mother and him. She sent it with me.

If not, no skin of my nose. Just out 400 bucks.

My folks know that they are my true parents. I could not have asked for more.....and have told them that.

We shall see.

One of the reasons I put it off so long was the fact I did not feel the need to look Burnham. My folks kept encouraging me to find out.

Honestly, I dont really want a this point. I dont have any room left in my head for such a shock to the system.

I would really like to find out the medical history...if there is any. I suppose that seems selfish....seems that way to me anyway.

If I find them so be it. I will do nothing to jeopardize my family though.
My best mate when we were larrikins in our 20s was adopted.

Long story short his biological father and mother were still together and had given him up for adoption because they were very young and in the entertainment industry, didn’t think they’d stay together etc...

So it turns out he has 3 full brothers and a sister, everyone gets on well, happy ending.
Well, after lunch, he came, filled half of my trolley, barely packed down, and called it good. All of a sudden, he was more interested to remove the weeds of the area to be filled with the chips and some other priority tasks around!

Marc-A!!!! You have a real doozy of a customer there...:lol: What a hoot! Dragging brush.....pulling weeds....nah, I'll pull weeds.

Your bad feeling was prescient! Customers can really keep things interesting. to finally get some news. I'll be curious to hear how it pans out.
Rain! It hasn't rained here in months and as soon as I get to town it starts. Had to postpone yesterdays job and started late today thinking it was gone, just finishing off and down it came again so looks like tomorrow is stuffed as well.

Hope they are getting some back home, Tamworth (about 60 miles away) is now the driest ever on record.

For $238 a ton I'd be feeding that shit into a burn barrel in my back yard. I thought I had it bad at $35 per ton.

No burning off here for around thirty years, air is a lot better. I found a place that charges by cubic and it's a lot cheaper, it's not very easy to find so I'm keeping that a secret. They chip it for garden mulch and compost.

It's a pain having to cut stuff in though, haven't done that since the 80's but it sure saves some dollars.