The damned Rooks have stuffed up my chimney again.
Fired up the furnace 2 hours ago, went to check on it, and the whole building was filled with smoke.
After they did it last year, we put an anti Rook grill on top of the chimney.
Well, they couldn't nest in the chimney with that in place, so they just amused themselves with dropping sticks through it.
So tomorrow I'll have to climb up and get the mess out.
Be fun with one hand.
Change of strategy since the grill didn't work, now I'm gonna go all Jim on their litle feathered asses.
Like Assad, they went too far, now the reckoning will come.
Got in late last night from my road trip/ training session. Wanted to shower since we worked for 7 hours but all 3 kids were in bed with my wife and I didn’t want to risk waking them while fumbling around getting pajamas. Woke up early by 3 children that missed me pretty badly. The novelty of me being home has worn off so I want to unload my vehicle but it’s pouring rain. I might just chill for the rest of the day or
I might go “clean the garage”.
Oh, you big softie.
A nice, sternly worded resolution of condemnation is probably all that is needed to make them change their ways.
Btw how'd you learn all those languages, where there a lot of lessons involved or did you somehow pick them up, or maybe both?
Mehrsprachige gut sprechen zu k?nnen, ist nicht ?blich. Hey, vielleicht, wenn dieses Baumschneide-Ding nicht klappt, kannst du der CIA beitreten und Dolmetscherin werden. Kannst du Muslime aufnehmen?