How'd it go today?

I have no use for it, has replaced it, twice.
But I bet somebody could get a good deal on it.

Funny thing was, the police officer, who called me, asked if I had any of the original papers on it still.
Told him to hold on, went over and found them in 30 seconds.
That really impressed him.
My x-wife was a filing fool, she did all the paper work for me.
So everything from before the divorce is easy to find.
After, not so easy.

It just really made my day, that the thief was stupid enough to turn it in for repairs.
Hard to imaging a thief chipping brush, maybe he sold it to a tree guy
I got a call from the police today.
They had found the chipper that was stolen from me years ago.
Contrary to my belief, it was not exported to the former east bloc, but had only gone across the water to the main island.
So somebody is in trouble now:D

I had a similar situation but the call came from Morbark when someone tried to buy parts for it. This happened nearly four years after it was stolen. I called the police, who impounded it from a repair shop, and the insurance company, who showed little interest. Since no one cared to press charges, I assume it was given back to whoever...
Took a break from trees yesterday after bringing home a couple logs, soon-to-be-tabletop-material; picked up the last two windows for the new house, painted the living room walls - first coat; ripped out the rest of the old trim and determined what the new oak fireplace surround should look like; visited my insurance agent and got my general liability rate down by $315 for this next year due to ten years claim-free, which paid for one of the windows; got an appointment set up to get the airbag replaced under warranty in the Ford Ranger.
Replacing the Colonial-style fireplace surround:

The new one will look something like this, but a matte black stone, not high gloss, and the stove will be black, not silver:


This one didn't make the cut:

Other bars are available, crying out loud they are made up here, can only buy them from suppliers that are pricey and expensive shipping
I got a few things done today after my guy called in sick this morning. I built a rack to store my extra plywood without it rotting from the rain. Once it air dries a few days I have a tarp to put over it. I flushed and refilled the coolant in my big bucket truck. It has started getting hot on me when I'm pulling the trailer and summer is coming quick, so I needed to get it done. Ran it for over an hour at fast idle with cardboard completely covering the radiator and couldn't get it hot so hopefully I'm set.

Another good day running sales calls. Closed about 7K in removals and lined up a couple more to look at this weekend.