Crap! My 088 only ran a few minutes.... No spark. 
Edit: spring clamp in the boot.

Edit: spring clamp in the boot.

THIS. You counted on brushing the first 35 years and it worked, but you really need to change your game at the age you are now. Or rather, the ages you are about to become.
I miss all the teeth I've lost.
but it was not necessary.
He was confident that if I brushed every day I would not need to come back for years and years.
Hygiene is important but genetics will have the last word. I have brushed and flossed and gargled most of my life and my teeth are still falling out.
Hygiene is important but genetics will have the last word. I have brushed and flossed and gargled most of my life and my teeth are still falling out.
I dodged a bullet.
I asked the dentist if I should start flossing. He said it would not hurt anything, but it was not necessary.
He did say that if I were to brush every day I would not need to come back in after the cleaning I am going in for on Thursday. Maybe three years for another x ray.