How'd it go today?

Well Pete, tbh I've been surreptitiously researching chippers on AT for a while (bearing in mind that on here most machines these guys are using are unsuitable in Europe) there just seemed to be a lot of love for them from people who know what they're talking about. Plus the salesman made a lot of effort, he came up from Nice to demo it. They're similar by all accounts. Weights not an issue, I've a pre 91 license.

Went to little girl's ballet, picked up a stump grind, details worked out at the animal show in Simcoe. Tomorrow, Go back to Brantford with the little girl and visit with my parents, pick up stumper and drive little girl back to Waterford, 10 minute drive and hog out a spruce stump and exposed roots.
By the way, I was not insinuating that Jay was a horse trading no account, yellow bellied polecat.

I might have to put that on my resume, I mean that I'm not.

Squish, I'd have to be the first to admit that I know zilch about horse psychology. You do make a good point, I never really stopped to consider if the horse was enjoying our association. I was nice to him, would brush his coat and give him treats. The thing is, he was so fat and out of shape when i first started to ride him, that bringing him to a better state of health, not that it was my priority, but I thought a part of my enjoyment of jumping on his back, I mean for his good like it or not. After a while I rode strictly bareback, and man my trousers would be soaked from his sweat after thirty minutes or so. I don't know if bareback riding is considered a good or bad thing among horsemen. I like it though. Maybe it's a crude way to ride. One thing about that horse though, he had been a barrel racer in the rodeo, y'know that ladies event where they do the figure eight racing around two barrels, i guess it is. I'd be riding him and whatever he might be thinking, he was sometimes prone to unprovoked from me sudden sharp left turns when galloping along. I continued on straight ahead a few times alone, but then learned to watch for it. I think he looked slightly to the left before turning. After he kicked me good, when i came back to my senses he was eating grass like nothing ever happened. No doubt the kicking was a spontaneous response to the sound of the gate closing. I'm not sure that he even knew what had just happened. Didn't seem to care though. No apology like please forgive my sudden rudeness. :lol:
One of the reasons that horses kick is that they get a surprise from you from moving from the front to the back. It is often better to make contact with the side of the horse if you are moving around to the back of the horse. Some people prefer to have the horse facing sides when they are closing a gate so that the horse does not get spooked. Would like to have a good chat with you about horse riding and basic training as I am looking at learning how to ride horses for fun.
Ha! She had never fired a handgun until she came over here, but she had shot her dad's shotgun at ducks and clay birds a bit back home and would shoot rabbits with a .22.

When she moved back I bought her a Ruger Single Six .22 revolver as a "welcome to America" present. She wears it on her hip when she is out on the land sometimes. Her Kiwi friends get a hell of a kick out of it when they visit.
Had a decent day at work. Well aside from the trespassing woman who saw fit to call me everything imaginable. We ruined her walk through someone else's land. Then picked up a few of my buddies and went to a NWTF fundraiser. It's a good time. Spend some money hoping to win guns or handmade turkey calls, get a good meal, and come home with a cheap knife. Basically an expensive night out with the guys. This year one friend brought his wife. This was totally against the unspoken rules. She won a 12 gauge. Now for the rest of us having to deal with this horrible offense to man code he has agreed that we will all be present to witness her shooting it for the first time.
Pic of last years "free" knife
New one is still in the truck. It's way past my bedtime
Spent the weekend working on my honey do list, thought I was getting caught up and she thought of more stuff. Thank god it started raining.
did get some new ammo to test out. And picked up a few tree jobs. Maybe life isn't just digging holes, sometimes you get to fill them in
Jim got it. I didn't feel like typing it out.
Nic, it never ends. My wife puts stuff on that list that is a constant. Split firewood. When you heat primarily with wood, it's just something you do.
Yah heat is 100% my responsibility too. I've heated with wood near all of my life, it seems sort of almost not thought of. Since I got a new EPA stove my firewood demand has lessened considerably. It's nice, but still a lot more work than most would be willing to do to heat their home. I'd have it no other way though.
Banged out 30 bradford pear canopy raises this afternoon, in between squalls. Have to go back and do some fine tuning for driveway clearance, and loosen some overly tight staking straps on 30 more pears on the other side of the driveway.

A good wind storm came through today. Not as bad as some area. My phone hasn't rung, yet. Thankfully.

I have to meet with an employment service for some options. Let them do some of the screening. The woman at the service said her now ex-husband continues to run the tree service that they had when married, so she knows what to expect more than most.

Have a lead on an experienced climber. He had to fold up shop after 10 years, when his kid got a brain tumor, or something. Moved from smaller town eastern Washington, or something. A little hard to hear on the phone.

Have a guy wanting to volunteer to shadow an arborist, as he's interested in pursuing a career, and wants a taste.

Couple other groundie potentials, nothing to write home about.
Mine is always on me to clean the yard and improve our house, yet she wants us to sell our house and buy a bigger one.
I know what you mean about firewood too. I removed the furnace out of our house and use only the wood stove, luckily a 800 sq ft house don't use much wood, especially with all the insulating we've done
I went to my first live roping practice of the season today. By live I mean on steers and not a practice "dummy" which is all we have at home, we don't keep cattle and have a chute, arena, run and all that business. So I had a rough go, my horse got hot and started rearing a bit in the box, I never caught any steers.

Disappointing but still fun and I came away with a bunch of clear things I need to work on.
Banged out 30 bradford pear canopy raises this afternoon, in between squalls. Have to go back and do some fine tuning for driveway clearance, and loosen some overly tight staking straps on 30 more pears on the other side of the driveway.

A good wind storm came through today. Not as bad as some area. My phone hasn't rung, yet. Thankfully.

I have to meet with an employment service for some options. Let them do some of the screening. The woman at the service said her now ex-husband continues to run the tree service that they had when married, so she knows what to expect more than most.

Have a lead on an experienced climber. He had to fold up shop after 10 years, when his kid got a brain tumor, or something. Moved from smaller town eastern Washington, or something. A little hard to hear on the phone.

Have a guy wanting to volunteer to shadow an arborist, as he's interested in pursuing a career, and wants a taste.

Couple other groundie potentials, nothing to write home about.

By being thankful the phone hasn't rung yet I'd guess you're good and busy this time of year Sean? If that's the case that's awesome man, you deserve it.

Good luck in the getting help department. Sounds like you got some solid leads.
I have Dahlia for the next three days (Sun pm- Wed pm every week, until kindergarten starts). I haven't worked out child care in the form of a new nanny/ sitter. I will need to pursue that.

I decided to clear out my VM box. Having it full meant that people were interested enough in having me bid the job that they would email me, possibly adding a few pictures, and info. Make them narrow down what they want, rather than a 'come out and give me 4 bids for 4 specs', and I don't know where my utilities are in relation to 5 large fir removals.

Weeds out people just finding me from Google. I'm trying to get referred work over don't-know-you-from-Adam.

Aiming for closer-in work, too. I'm reducing my geographic service region for new customers for sure, until I move more centrally, sometime later this year, I imagine.
I went to my first live roping practice of the season today. By live I mean on steers and not a practice "dummy" which is all we have at home, we don't keep cattle and have a chute, arena, run and all that business. So I had a rough go, my horse got hot and started rearing a bit in the box, I never caught any steers.

Disappointing but still fun and I came away with a bunch of clear things I need to work on.

Yup.. Moving target way more challenging.

Gotta love these new wood stoves. I bet the older one takes 3 cord to heat the same amount of house 1 cord heats now.
That's the thing we practice on a moving target, one horse pulls a full size metal dummy. I put some pics up here a long whiles back. But it's a living fast moving target that seems to get the beast worked up. Honestly it's me too. It's quite a bit really to put it altogether to rope a steer with a horse in a timed event. I'm real green still. But it's the journey of it that's the fun part.

Yah the new re-burn tech stoves are amazing. I'd never go back to an old smokey now.