How'd it go today?

August. I would have dumped the debris right in front of the fuggen jag. Now th at they have a write up, you should call the paper with a comment follow up. Tell others how it is not nice to treat folks like she is doing you. Or threaten to or take shut up money. I would be so pissed off ... better man than I. I take shat like that personally. Taking food from my kids table is my feeling on it
Just sayin.


What a crappy paper you can't leave comments and you have to be a member to read most of it. 99c a day or $75 a year.

The video is there but it's the same as the story posted already.
Cool horse stuff, Squish. Did you see the insane vid august posted a few days ago of the rider trying to break the bucking bronco?? Crazy horse and better rider!

When I was young and thought I was bullet proof I used to love riding wild horses. We had an American Saddle horse that hadn't been ridden for quite a while. I caught it out in the cow pasture with just a halter on. I jumped on and grabbed two hand fulls of mane and it proceeded to jump and twist. Unable to unseat me that way it did the run fast, lock them up and put your head down move. I started sliding down its neck with my hands holding on its mane going between and under my legs. I started to twist sideways and looked for a handle. The horses ears worked to get me back to straight. The horse caved after that. I was quite proud of myself and even more convinced I was bullet proof.
Fruit tree pruning season.

Its funny how so many trees are pruned that I never see flowering, leafing-out, or fruiting. That's the big intent with fruit trees, trying to establish the right structure and such for all that, but it all happens at a different point in the year than I visit.

Customers are always happy, especially after a couple years pruning on neglected ones. They can see it transform year by year, and fruit gets better and easier to harvest.
Check out this text message dialogue from yesterday. Smells rat-like....text messages in order 1st to last (top to bottom)


Clunky sounding English makes me already suspicious of foreign attempt to build a relationship dialogue for scam opportunities.
Although I've not seen text message attempts like this ever except by people responding to something I was selling on Craigslist. Never like this


Scammers can never actually meet you, it's always some extenuating circumstance.
"I just found out I have lung cancer here but I need to urgently do general tree work????"


Wants my "full" name, probably gathering info and hoping for an ongoing search deeper and deeper to aid in identity theft...


Ok so thieves are always impatient because if they can't steal from you they need to move on to an easier target, so I left him/her and continued real bids plus fell those rural trees yesterday....then

Now they're texting again this morning...
I get spam texts, email, phones calls and even got a PM on Facebook from someone who hacked my brother's FB account.
Not even a real person...robots.
Who has been offered $75 hr to work for Google or FB lately?
I really hate spam & windup merchants, they are scamming thieves in my opinion . We work hard for our pay & anyone who want to deprive me of that or my possessions is less than a man(or woman).

Had a nice day looking at some of my own work for a change. Grabbed about 7 or 8 days worth, so a good Saturday, which was enhanced further by the amazing shoulder of mutton I just had cooked for me.
I have been getting a lot of those texts lately. I just delete them now, but a while back I decided to play:

unnamed (1).jpg

I had already gotten a text like this before from another cull, but when I looked up the address on google earth, it didn't even have any trees. That's why I decided to mess with this cull. I actually called the number before my first text, and he answered. Sounded like an african dude, and when I started questioning him, he acted like the reception was bad, and said "that's why we text". Anyhow, ironically the next day I notice a fraudulent charge on my credit card. Not sure if this scum got it somehow, or if some other scum got it, but I was suspicious. I would really like to know how to bust the cull bastards for this shit. Seems I get several of those texts per week...
I could probably post any pic of my face, I googled hangover face however and this best captured my morning.


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Hangovers...a good reminder of why we say "never again" again :) August, I don't see how that cull could have gotten my card number, but I sure thought how coincidental it was.