How'd it go today?

My 2 & 1/2 year old granddaughter had to go to the E.R. today. Climbed into her little sisters crib and then fell to the floor while climbing back out. Daughter feared a broken arm because of the pain she was in.

Turned out to be a dislocated elbow. They easily put it back into place and sent them on their way (after x-rays).

Life is never boring for her with 4 kids ages 6 and under.

That's nasty, I broke my arm 2" above the elbow and dislocated it at the same time when I was about ten. Worst pain I think I've ever experienced. Took hours in theatre to relocate it as they only had the little stub of broken bone to work with. My whole arm swelled so much after the abuse they couldn't plaster it, in fact it stayed swollen for so long they never did plaster it.

Hope she's feeling better soon.
Cleared trees today for a guy so he can add on to his garage. My 15 year old was a big help, even let him cut a couple trees down (he loves the 395) hope to finish all the climbing tomorrow so I can get onto the next one
I've had this since last Dec. tried rest, heat, and cold so effect. It was just worse than usual today...not real comfy typing even, seems to center where tendons of thumb and first finger cross, but will hurt all the way to elbow sometimes. I avoid picking up my coffee cup with that hand right now...

Gentle stretching, self-massage, hydration
Some light work done.

Getting some more knocked out this afternoon.

Getting my poop in a group after a long run up of work, and late night packing to a music fest with D. Plugged back in.

Got a good lead on a solid laborer ground man. Not experienced a lot, but a hard worker. Done work in the winter in ND oil fields. He saw a guy lose a thumb. My theory is that when you actually witness a bad accident, like a thumb amputation, you take safety more seriously. Works at Sunbelt Rentals 38 hours a week. Had two days off midweek. Could be a match. 23 y.o.
I would have thought a big muscly farmer like you would do well on grindr? Did you put up a pic of you in a check shirt?
Hotter'n blue blazes today but I had a little breeze up high. The heat was tough on the ground help and I had a new guy on the ropes who after a little schooling did a very good job for his first time. Took down a big limby pine and a water oak over a shed and it went as smooth as any day I can remember. Got a good rain late in the day that cooled things off which was wonderful. To top it off we had a county knuckle boom truck come by and load and haul the majority of limbs and wood. Very sweet.
Finally finished this week. Been on a ROW clearing for the gas company. 72 hours in 5 days. I was getting a bit grumpy by this morning. Hollered at the enviro guy. He wanted erosion control up by noon so he could leave early. I told him he was more than welcome to do it himself since I had to be there till 6:30 and was in no hurry to do it. Then I told the bosses brother off for telling me I can't yell at the enviro guys. I had to remind myself that the paycheck will be nice.
Killed 5 blue oaks after the gardner, absolutely destroyed them pruning with spurs on.....

Blue aoks are a few 5 foot by 18" logs for some mini slabbing.
I had a new guy on the ropes who after a little schooling did a very good job for his first time.

Isn't that just the nicest thing, when you get a new guy and right away can tell, they have a feel for the job:)

Today is the first day of my vacation. Almost had to cancel it, since we got bombed with work.

I swear, every estimate I've done the last couple of weeks, The clints have ok'ed. Even when I started cranking prices up because the calender was full.

Real unusual for this time of the year. I managed to get an extra guy to sub for us and then my neighbour's daughter, who used to help us out ( That is one girl who can WORK!) finished school and wanted to make some money.

So I can relax for a couple of weeks. Bout time, too. I was starting to get that stretched out feeling, to quote Tolkien, like butter scraped over too much toast.
Ha! Not hairy enough to be a bear. Eskimo's dont carry a lot of hair ya know.

Which, when you think about it, is actually kinda weird.
They should be furry.

I can just picture you, furry all over. Maybe kind of like a pinkish Chinchilla.

Isn't that just the nicest thing, when you get a new guy and right away can tell, they have a feel for the job:)

Today is the first day of my vacation. Almost had to cancel it, since we got bombed with work.

I swear, every estimate I've done the last couple of weeks, The clints have ok'ed. Even when I started cranking prices up because the calender was full.

Real unusual for this time of the year. I managed to get an extra guy to sub for us and then my neighbour's daughter, who used to help us out ( That is one girl who can WORK!) finished school and wanted to make some money.

So I can relax for a couple of weeks. Bout time, too. I was starting to get that stretched out feeling, to quote Tolkien, like butter scraped over too much toast.

It's the reverse psychology, when I was near to moving to France I was quoting work not caring if I got it or not, telling people that if they wanted me to do it they'd have to make a quick decision or it'd be too late.
I was getting work left right and centre! Now if you could only bottle that....
Which, when you think about it, is actually kinda weird.
They should be furry.

I can just picture you, furry all over. Maybe kind of like a pinkish Chinchilla.


Or maybe they've spent so much time completely covered in fur coats that they evolved away from hairiness.
It's like evolution does the opposite of what's good for the organism sometimes... You'd think that people at the equator would want to cool off a bit... thus donning some white skin. You'd think that the Great Danes would want to warm up now and then, and that black skin would serve better. Apparently not? :?

Pruned some trees for Boeing so that the failing limbs wouldn't hurt their new fence. Why do they always have us out AFTER the new fence is in? :?:X