I received a call from a guy I sometimes work with, says he has a max two hour job lined up that will pay pretty good, but it's an hour and a half away by car.

I get to his house in the morning (he's going to drive), and he can barely walk and can't go, his leg is all messed up. I hop on the freeway in my kai truck, a first, and head on over to meet a man at a freeway stop who has arranged everything. Our freeway drive-ins are pretty cool, some places offer all kinds of hot snacks or full meals of various nature. One place not far has a hot spring. I can even get a corn dog at the one where we will be meeting.

I get there, meet the guy, he has bought me some snack and drinks in a bag, tells me we have forty minutes of additional driving beyond the hour and a half to get there. Over an hour later I'm still following him deep in the mountains, near some lake I have heard of. Thinking about a complete removal and limbs that have to be taken off over a two story house, a large oak and Zelkova, with a crane operator that I have never worked with, way out in Kookamunga.....plus the drive, I'm considering hanging a U turn just when we arrive. Do the job, it goes ok, but it was more than was initially described, plus the busted limbs that had to be taken off from the boom in the tight space. I hadn't worked so high before if it makes a difference. Some difficulties, the operator was an older very nice fellow, but kind of hard of hearing was one. Very humid conditions. Drove home in a lightning storm and almost ran out of gas. Got back to my shop to unload my gear, walked in the door of home almost 8PM feeling a bit dizzy. Raring to go again this morning, ha!