California Hillbilly
We're back in the creeks and ditches, clearing vegetation.
I managed to poke a nest of ground hornets while standing waist deep in water today.
Couldn't do much in the way of running off, so they got me good.
While I was weedwhacking some reeds in a ditch, I started to smell something like burnt meat.
Thinking the weedeater might have been clogged with debris, I turned it off.
It was a snail, house and all, that had been lodged up against the exhaust.
It was well done and then some.
Martin, my apprentice, said that it was proof that men can indeed multitask.
I managed to clear a ditch and cook escargot simultaneously.
That right there is damn funny I don't care who you are!

I don't know that Chris knows Jason real well and his story or back ground. If anything Chris, Jay is more concerned about you getting into trouble than anything.
Climbed some monterey pines and took hangers, from last years wind storms and wet snow, out of them. Then threw in a blue oak for measure. SRT each one and it only took about an hour. Cleaned up some ground from other throws and break outs. Landed more work and I am almost scheduled through December. Not a bad day.
Good news, I finally got my DL sorted out after almost 2 years. California and AZ dropped the ball on some stuff I took care of. Then CA dropped the ball again and I never got my renewal. They apologized up and down, waived my tests, fees etc. and I should have a new picture DL in 3 weeks. Ya just have to love government agencies. :roll: