How'd it go today?

Dang Chris, be careful man!

Finally got the wheel cylinders replaced on the rears of the Datsun.. Obviously, the brakes had not been worked on for a while and the drums and cylinders were bound with rust real bad... Torch, hammers, rod, prybar, screw drivers and PB Blaster did the trick and the deed is done. Down side. Took a day to get the parts and then the parts went to work with Rob and Wyatt for 1/2 a day in the truck I went in to pick them up...... DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!:|:
Ekg, urinalysis for muscle breakdown, IV to cover their bases for liability reasons, xray of the arm for legal reasons, blood work, and consulted the local hospitol with a specialized burn unit. Most all of it was so they were legally covered if i went home a dropped dead.
A buddy of mine got whacked by a service line years ago. Held a conversation with his groundman, then died peacefully in his saddle. That always stuck in my mind. Shocks don't always kill a person right on the spot.
It's true. Electricity does not always kill quickly. If the path it takes through the body travels across the vital organs, they may take time to fail. Many men have died at home while asleep after being blasted at work.
Whoa thats scary.

I worked too close to some on Thursday. Then climbed a dead ass tree Friday. I gotta take a break.

Today I bagged three jobs, stopped and pet a pretty truck, planted some annuals at my house, installed a new drain pipe so the sump pump and gutter can drain into it, planted some more plants at the house, general clean up and put together a small tarp shelter for my chipper.
Not much so far .Sprayed the driveway at my shop for weeds ,retrieved a trailer out of the weeds I hadn't used for 20 years .

Ordered some stuff from Baileys including 110 drivers of chisel skip .It's for a 10 series 32" McCulloch bar a guy gave me .Hard to say what the driver count is .Windsor made those over sized Bars for Mac .Must have been a west coaster because it has a .404 nose on an .050 bar . Also ordered a 3/8" Windsor speed tip nose from flea bay .

When the nose gets here I'll make a little thread on how you change them as I don't think I've ever seen it on the net before .

I don't get this part, why is that PNW?
It's true. Electricity does not always kill quickly. If the path it takes through the body travels across the vital organs, they may take time to fail. Many men have died at home while asleep after being blasted at work.

Dayum, Chris ... that's some scary chit ... hope you're gonna be OK! How do you feel, now? You gonna take some time off?
Glad you are not dead Chris.closest I came to getting zapped was years ago when prunning city trees fore street light clearance. I knew there was a big disrobution line running through the tree. I was joking with my ground guy as I walked out on a limb and got a strange feeling so stopped. All the hairs were standing up on my body. I looked around and there was the line one foot infront of my face:|:
Dayum, Chris ... that's some scary chit ... hope you're gonna be OK! How do you feel, now? You gonna take some time off?

I am completely fine. All is well. No need to take time off. Friday it happened, so it was the end of the work week.

Thank you for the concerns and regards everyone!
Glad to hear you're not hurt or worse Chris. Stay safe out there everyone. I appreciate postings of close calls/incidents. Makes me think on safety a little more.

I'll also let all the horse hater comments slide as I can understand how some are scared of what they don't understand.:P
Chris, glad you're feeling alright.

Squish, hope the wife heals up well.

Did a big double trunk storm damaged birch, probably each trunk was around 24". Had previous top damage and lost some of the resprouted tops, some 6" x 35'+. Wanted to rock the Hitch Hiker with the dogbone, but didn't get to my welder-friend's house who has the means to open the HH prototype hole a hair to, in squeeze the dogbone through. Next tree. Went SRT with the RW, instead. Removed a dead pine, and a couple big hangers in a walnut.

A good 6 hour job with my employee. My body could tell that I hadn't been climbing as much as I used to, unfortunately. Got a good work out from it, rather than just another day another dollar.

Another time of just barely having enough room in the chip truck for chips and wood, as I had other chips and wood in there that I didn't have time to get out (or didn't have time for my employee to get out, as the case may be. Another half a yard of chips and I would have been spilling on the way home.

I've been thinking of cutting 2 pieces of plywood that will fill the hole above the door on my Southco box that slip in place when it pretty full, just leaving a small opening for the chipper chute at the top to achieve maximum capacity without spillage. On the 'to do' list.