How'd it go today?

On the bright side I knocked a 3 run homer outta the park at my slo-pitch game this eve...but we lost by one run

I found that splitting wood will give you power at the plate. With slo-pitch, I assume it helps even more, since you have to muscle it out. Don't be chopping down on low pitches, though. :)
Flopped a couple trees this morning, ran out to the college to drop Cal 3 (not enjoying it), gave a bid, unlocked dad's truck, and now I'm waiting to buy my friends Xbox.

Oh yeah, listened to Willie gripe for most of the day!
Was almost too hot to do that prune today on the blue oak. Only 4 hours though, not too bad. Was in the 80ish range.
Going into almost no pay in two weeks.:X I know everyone I have worked for will pay.. It just sux no one is around to get paid by. Collected two checks in two weeks so far :|:
Brakes started grinding from the rears yesterday evening.. So I am taking the truck into the mechanics tomorrow..
A day i hate over all days. In the office, on the phone, doing paperwork and applications.

Oh, i did get to go and see a callout job where an oak had its top ripped out. That was the highlight today, to do the tidy up next week.
Dropped my schedule today for my neighbor who had been dealing with a tree on his house from the wind storm. His wife said before you get hurt go ask the tree guy showed up and glad he called as he was fixing to get hurt ladder almost under and if he would have finished the cut he started it would have slid down and been all on him. An other good referal job as once done and they saw my safe work practices a call from one of their friends flop and drop 300 with chipping :D Next weeks job is a mess pics to come.

Good deal, Joel. I love jobs like that because they turn into raving fans and end up generating more business for you for years to come. :thumbup:

Long day today, I trimmed about 20 trees and a dozen palms on an acre sized residential property. Mike and his helper chipped a truckload and a half and they still have to finish cleaning up tomorrow (about 3 trees worth). This job was for a guy who used to be my neighbor at my previous address. He bought this place about a year before I bought my house. He has a detached 1200 square foot garage with 16' bay doors on the front and back so he can pull his boat through. It would make a perfect shop for me. :/:
Dead wooded two monster oaks over a brand new play set.

Really felt good leaving those tree's with not a spec of deadwood in them, so the kids can play safe. There was some monster old dead wood just waiting to be shed.

Mom was cute and appreciative. It was our second job this year we were offered fresh water bottles! :|:
Really felt good leaving those tree's with not a spec of deadwood in them, so the kids can play safe.

I'm curious as to your definition of "not a spec of deadwood" = "so the kidz can play safe?"

Do we all know the Three Levels of Trimming Trees? The level it sounds like you're on about is the strictest, which is cool but the most expensive/time consuming. 'Lil limbs aren't a hazard... know what I mean?

It's hard to resist, though. My favorite trims are fine pruning. I hate trimming a $600 tree @ a $200 price.
The tree's were pretty clean as far as the smaller finer stuff goes. But if I was in a spot where I can knock those small one out, I was going to do it. The work order had 6.5 hrs on these trees, so you bet I wasn't going to finish early so he can find three more things for us to do today. 8)
Don't feel bad Carl, my father went to Univ of Michigan and played on the 1948 Rose Bowl team.
So, he gets this "Letter Winner" shirt in the mail a few years back and gave it to me as it was too small
for his 6' 4" frame. This summer a woman at our neighborhood picnic asked me what 'letter' I'd ever earned at U of M...
...I looked down at the shirt, back at her, and said, "Oh, I think that was the "D" in Calculus".
She spilled half her drink laughing
Sad thing is Brian, I did get a "D" in Calc here at the U of Delaware while going to school and running my bicycle shop.
My priorities were different then. About ten years later I went to a holiday dinner for the staff at my wife's school.
Across the room I see the Calc teacher, who is married to another teacher at the school. Our eyes met and he looked worried.
I went over and shook his hand and said, "Don't worry about it John, you gave me the grade I deserved".
I don't feel bad about it, I could do it, but I'm not enjoying it. I go to school because I like to learn, learning how to multiply integrations and the other hoop-la is/was wearing me down. I like learning things I can apply to life outside of school. :)
I spent the morning picking my Dad up at the hospital and then drove out to Patterson to get the dump trailer and dump it. Then drove down to Huron for dinner with my kid.
Sure you have, just not the stupid way they taught it to us in high school. We solve for unknowns and variables every day, just in a common sense application to life.
I never found much use for algebra other that simontanious liner equations which are used in some electronic formulas .These are used so seldom it's almost not worth the effort besides the fact now of days you would use a pocket calculator .

Geometry on the other hand is very usefull .Then too on that the pocket calculator comes into place also .