How'd it go today?

Kicked some major tree ass this afternoon, started at 1:30, got done at 5. Took out 11 trees, drug them across the field and pushed them up into a burn pile for the customer. $80 in labor from Daniel, $53 to fill up the tractor (drove it to the job) and a couple drinks at the store, and a tank of fuel in the 660. I'll go back Thurs and grind the stumps when my new teeth get in. Made about $25 more than my average man/hr rate for this year for the tree work and the customer was all too happy with the price. 8)
Got rained on all morning. Took out a dead two trunked Birch, a large limb on an oak, and hauled wood while Doug dead wooded the rest. I'm feeling great, and I'm thinking it's from the extra exercise (mtn biking). Haven't had that dragging feeling since I've started biking again.

Looked at a job after work, and putzed around outside.
Got the work done for my landscaper buddy. Came home and hooked up the back up camera on the isuzu. Don't like the mount position in relation to the view on the camera. Will have to make a shim to tilt the camera.

I wish we would get some rain or moisture of some type. Dry dusty jobs are getting old.
Got a call this evening about a tree I looked at a couple weeks ago. I was trimming the adjacent tree (removing the bad, bad limbs growing towards the house) and noticed about a third of the top was cracked and about to split out. Told the guy I was working for, he told the customer that evening and we were supposed to take care of it before the end of the week. The guy never called me to schedule the job and tonight he called to tell me it split out today, barely missing the house but it tore up a carport and the fence. Not my job to schedule his jobs, I tried to tell him. Now he thinks the tree needs to come out. :roll:
bucket truck deadwooding oaks 8am, emergency call cant get out the drive (Wind storm last night) 200 to cut it up and load it in my truck 1hr with drive time go back to bucket work. Two of clients friend stop in both want estimates. Do one est on the way home, 500 for two leggy live oaks only removing what can hit the house 3hr max with chunking and stacking. get home to Two more to do one a prior customer the other a client referral Feeling blessed curently
Finished two small elm removals, railing on a set of porch steps, bid and got total rebuild of a porch, and bid and got another tree job, then the woman said, "Oh, there is one more out back". I advised we leave the back yard as soon as I saw the tree, a 75 foot tri-dominant cherry. Fungal fruiting bodies around most of the base, missing bark on all three main leaders, and a lean toward the back of the house. Maybe get the bucket truck on the far side if neighbors okay with it. Came home and rebuilt a laptop as the gpu had come loose from the motherboard from overheating. Works like new now...
I got my teeth cleaned this morning at the dentist. Moved my equipment over to tomorrow's job, and had dinner with the neighbors. He said if I have to I can move in with them, but said I can't bring any women into my room. WTF
Had two day laborers removing about 12 square of roofing today .These kids worked their butts off .Had it striped and refelted in 6 hours ,I paid them for 8 .

One of these young men I had not seen since he was 7 years old and about 40 -50pounds .Today 230 pounds and could pick up a wildcat and spit in his butt . My how time flies .
:lol: No Bobby was a good kid ,always asked ten million questions about things .His little sis would always say "no " to everything .I nicknamed them "what and no ". Grown up now with chillens of their own .:)
Took down some broken tops and widow makers. Only had to climb for one.. HO happy, paid... Came home and made beef stir fry.. Katy had school, so I have the kids tonight and tomorrow night. Daddy is getting a tad worn down :P
Had a safety meeting today...which was good. Nice to get everything on the table and everyone on the same page. Gained some respect for employer on this one, they might even set an aerial rescue training day...WOW!

Chris and I spent 2 hrs up a declining 90' pine deadwooding in the hopes that it will help...or at least leave less to cut when it comes time to remove. Nice climb...good views, I only wish I had pics :(

Tommorrow Killing some trees, including a beauty horsechestnut betwixt two houses. Coming down due to addition on house.

On the bright side I knocked a 3 run homer outta the park at my slo-pitch game this eve...but we lost by one run

Still, life is good ;)
Dropped my schedule today for my neighbor who had been dealing with a tree on his house from the wind storm. His wife said before you get hurt go ask the tree guy showed up and glad he called as he was fixing to get hurt ladder almost under and if he would have finished the cut he started it would have slid down and been all on him. An other good referal job as once done and they saw my safe work practices a call from one of their friends flop and drop 300 with chipping :D Next weeks job is a mess pics to come.
I had a hella technical TD on two medium sized trees. All climbing, targets everywhere but it went purrr fect. I'm glad they weren't huge trees, it's too hot for those yet!