How'd it go today?

example.. here in Mariposa.. they walk off the job.. don't bother to get another except for cash on the fly for beer or drug money.. then they go down to the utilities help office and get the electric bill handled from government funds or propane.. Fire wood can also be had.. Get relief of the phone bill and discount electrical service through CARE. Get referred to Manna House for free food and get emergency food stamps... If they have kids, even easier.. NP
Why work and pay bills ?

Then there are the WC careers........

EDIT..I almost for got the free refrigerator
I spent just 1 day in waders in a waist deep river earlier in the year just fishing butt ends towards the bank to be pulled out. I could hardly walk the next day and I had to block a big Poplar spar down on spikes:(
Matt is not a bum, he is just different from us, he is menonite or some such religion. They are VERY frugal and grow/hunt a lot of their food. Family comes first for them. Who am I to judge, Im not real happy with my life which consists of working all the time and there is no way I could afford to take 6 weeks off. Im thinking that maybe this might be a good time to make some changes in my life.....
PC when I was at your stage in life I would take my kids to the park or to the movies and forget it for a while. Kind of clears your head.
Matt is not a bum, he is just different from us, he is menonite or some such religion. They are VERY frugal and grow/hunt a lot of their food. Family comes first for them. Who am I to judge, Im not real happy with my life which consists of working all the time and there is no way I could afford to take 6 weeks off. Im thinking that maybe this might be a good time to make some changes in my life.....

Which is great, but where does his committment to you come into play? Seems like the employer/employee relationship is a one-way street for him. Balance has to be the key to everything.

Can't speak for you cuz I'm not in your head, but it sounds like you don't need a career change as much instituting some balance in your own life. you have to make some time for you and your family otherwise the working part is for work's sake and not much else no matter what you are working at.
PC when I was at your stage in life I would take my kids to the park or to the movies and forget it for a while. Kind of clears your head.

Steve, I just picked up a Jon boat this weekend so I can go down to the reservoir and tool around with the kids. I know very well that I need to spend more time enjoying life. Just kinda hard for me sometimes to shift gears, Im a very focused/crazy person. For a long time Ive been working non stop and Im in that groove. Im making steps as I said. Have been mountain bike riding 4 times this week with Rufus.....
I know it's hard Paul. It's because you take your obligations seriously. You have all of them depending on you also. Good idea about the Jon boat.
Sometimes it's hard to stop working, it's like it's about all that matters. Not so good....
Probably most folks don't have the problem.
I go crazy not working after a couple days. I also have a tendency to do more of my stuff than take time with the kids and Kat. Since I am aware of this, I try to make time as I am self employed and in a better than most position to act upon that. Awareness and action are the key here Paul. Good to see you on top of that ;)

What changed it for me was the years working with a whole lot of folks who worked their asses off and then got terminally ill before they got to enjoy their 'golden years'. Hospice opens your eyes to the 'fact' that every day counts. My father worked nonstop and it took me years to realize I was missing out on my own kids because of repeating that pattern.
So we eat rice and beans instead of sirloin tip and do lots of fun stuff and laugh together a lot.
It's not too long till those kids'll be grown and gone. Make the memories now... and fishin' at the reservoir is a great idea.
Al, what is #57 stone? We define materials by size such as 3/4 crushed, etc.
#57 is premium limestone ,no fines .#57 is from 1/2" to 3/4" used for drainage .1's and 2's are from 1 to 2" and used for base .#304 is fines and up to 3/4" used for driveway bases with out using using heavy stone like 2" .411 is top dressing for drive ways,lots of fines .703 and 304 are grits ,about like manufactured sand or pea gravel but I forgot which is which .Shot rock is used for rip rap on pond banks .
Well, since I was finally out of the creeks, I told Richard that I was going to be the climber today.
Super windy day, I got blown out of a thin leaning birch, literally.
Fortunately I had taken a double wrap with my lanyard, so I didn't slide to the ground.
Managed to get the thing pieced out and on the ground.
It was soooooo good to be back in the trees.
We had a new crewmember today, Richard's pup, Tchaka, got to go to work with the big dogs:) P9070003.JPG
It's not like learning corrupts or anything, most of the time.....maybe if you join the mafia or something..... Those dogs are the far Northern gang of wise guys. :lol: Tchaka 'the animal'.
Jus' another day here. Some pruning, skipped lunch, long drag on the second job minus Ramrod, got pissed, had to go pick up Ramrod at their job, got pissed, Apple limb fell, chipped that. So much for leaving a half hour early. Bleh.

Made a call after work to another guy in my situation...own business, not enough work to hire a full time employee, so helps out other people. Going to try to get something together for next week. If it doesn't work, might try looking for a different job...park and rec. maintance, or for the town.

Lifes decisions.
Went with the crane operator to look at a job, trees lining the road at a second home...a long line. Very tight location. I can't believe how he has lowered his rates due to limited work.
For 24 years old you're doing better than most, Brendon. It will get better when you find your groove. :thumbup:

Another typical day for me today. Worked slightly more than a half day, homeowner was a hottie babe who works as a stunt woman, cut down a bunch of stuff, started two small fires with trees growing through the power lines, got everything down without electrocuting myself or knocking out the power (always a plus), dropped the car off at the mechanic's, went to the bank and the post office, and now I'm chillin' with some smooth jazz and a tall cold glass of iced tea. 8)
Bey Brendon, we've had those days also, where we've asked ourselves why we do this work, but somehow it always works out in the end(although Mom doesn't always see it that way)

Another normal day for me here. Went to school, and came home. Little bro is sick, so he stayed home. Went to Best Buy and picked up a new game. Can't wait for Halo: Reach to come out in about a week!

Went to the library after Dad got home, because he brought Mike with him for some reason. For multiple reasons I just want to punch him in the face right now, so to restrain myself I went and checked out some books, since I've depleted my last run of books.