How'd it go today?

Today was a great day! Started out with me climbing up a very slippery Elm. It had rained some last night and with the moss on the tree, it was slick as shit. Cut a few large limbs off and came down to hump some brush until lunch. After that I got to try my hand at spiking again doing a small pine removal! This time it went alot smoother with no gaff outs or anything. I got it down to just a few top branches that I left to help for when we bring over totally from the ground. After that I ran the ropes on a somewhat tricky leader removal over a roof.

Then I came home to find my new order of rope arrived so I can start splicing again soon:D!!
That burning truck is identical to one of my trucks, minus the flames. Same body style, same colors, stake body turned chip truck, and so on and so on.
The stoopid call of the day in my office: Crazy lady: "there are thousands of poisionous mushrooms in Dorchester park!!!!" me: "really?", crazy lady: "yes, my dog ate them and got sick", me: "wow, was your dog on a leash at the time?", crazy lady: " umm no, what does that have to do with anything?!?" me: "well......all dogs are supposed to be on leash in the park", crazy lady: "but he's sick and I had to take him to the vet!!!" ( I LOVE it when they start grasping and making lame-o excuses) me: "ok 'mam, i'm going to put in a work order to have all those mushrooms removed", crazy lady : "really??" me: "yes mam", crazy lady "um..ok...thanks.......
Big jobs are bid really close around here by the big companies.
I was doing some spring cleaning around here and then went and cut a couple of limbs off a pine tree.
Well I had hoped the genset was an easy fix, but I had a sinking feeling in my gut Saturday. I should have listened then!
Just a little tip for the wannabe idiots of the future: electronic spark testers don't work when the end of the spark plug is smashed!!!
Yup, I had GREAT fire with the old school tester. Pulled the plugs, and it was ugly!! Pulled the heads off, it got uglier!! Lost a valve guide, dropper the valve and the junk swapped cylinders.
Bashed both heads pretty nicely, and both pistons. No holes! I think I can get a nused head cheaper than replacing the guide but I will find out in the am.
Really sucks on a unit with 70.9 hours on it!!
I think I at least temporarily fixed my chipper...

I cleaned the components really well, scraped off any peeling metal, blew everything off, and put it back together. I really cranked everything down hard as I could, made sure the clamp was balanced as I tightened it, and sure enough... ...the thing holds!

I didn't try and pull anything big through yet, but so far, there appears to be no slippage between the feed wheel shaft and the motor shaft.

I bet I was right when I blamed the previous idiot that owned this chipper. The one that owns it now at least knows how to tighten bolts properly. :lol:

We'll see how she does tomorrow, I have a few small pine take downs and a bunch of chipping to do. I'm crossing my fingers, and hoping this will fix it for now.
It's not a complicated device. If it doesn't hold (unlikely) then we can modify it pretty easy and save you some $$$.
That is the Matt I believe. I musta missed the days when he rubbed you guys the wrong way.

Hey Brendon, In fairness to Matt and everyone else-people can grow and learn from their mistakes. He has seemed to be doing better when I read his posts at the buzz occassionally. If he is your friend good for him. He wasn't a nasty mean sort in the old AS days he just whined all of the time. He was here very briefly and whined about something and I was mean and told him to quit expecting the worst in life and he left.
We deadwooded two of the tallest liriodendron trees in town. It took longer than I thought but the tree looks great, the customer is happy and it should lead to more work in that little corner of town.
Today was a day of turds and 'tards. :|: The customer is gone for a family emergency. She asked me to schedule through the daughter........who doesn't answer her phone. After several misses I wound up being here when she called this morning ....with nothing scheduled due to poor communication and a foul weather forecast that made me NOT want to schedule the removal that is next on the list. Anyway we set it up for me to go ahead today. She failed to contact the paranoid neighbor as she was supposed to. There was dog crap EVERYWHERE. The Mulberry is on a tiny lot hanging over buildings of both neighbors. One was paranoid (but nice after we got things sorted out) and the other had delusions of management.Both opf them kept coming out to talk to me. Storms were blowing in alll around and it is quite hard to converse while running a chainsaw or chipper.
Of course when I called to get paid upon completion the daughter didn't answer her phone. I went and bid another job a few miles away,then called again. In the middle of that call she called me back. Dummy wanted me to come back at 9:30 tomorrow to get paid (this is in a different town). Then she was going to drop off a check to me since she would be coming to Canon City tomorrow.......but no my address would be too much out of the this point I was becoming annoyed and striving to not point out that she was being an inconsiderate piece of human detritus. Finally I got her to come pay me in a restaurant parking lot.
There was a tree-climbing Matt around here about 8-10 years ago. Thought very highly of himself, if I remember correctly. Might have migrated south.
steering committee meeting this morning then an hour or so finishing up a removal and replanting job. Did some paperwork at home then we went out to dinner with friends, Bub screamed for about 10 minutes in the restaurant then settled down. Friends came by after supper for a game of trivial pursuit, we (I) beat them up. Bub went to bed, I am here and soon to the rack, work tomorrow and booked till the 14th presently. :)
This morning I spent 2 hours with a buddy of mine at his house chipping his brush. On the way home to 2nd job, I'm going up a hill, turbo screaming... all of a sudden I hear PSHHHHHH. Oh shoot, lost some power but got it into a parking lot. Internationals genius design is to route the CCV back into the intercooler tubes instead of into the atmosphere. They get oily this what and the intercooler boot went sliding off under boost. No big deal really...some carb cleaner and wipe down and off I went. It's just a kick in the ass for me to reroute the CCV into the atmosphere. A $10 fix I haven't got around to doing yet.

Headed off to job 2 solo. Dropped a tree I was thinking I had to climb, and ripped apart another. Done by noon, rounded the trip off with a stop at Vermeer to replace the pole saw head that fell out of the truck.
Scares ya when that happens:) Try using hair spray if that happens often. It lubes it when you put it on than drys like glue.
That was a blue oak I did today, not a white. I think:|: Too much inbreeding up here :lol::lol:
Customer is happy. Branch is gone and roof is clean. Trimmed out a little dead wood and some ugly suckers on the way back down. She was on a tight budget so I could not talk her into dead wooding the whole tree and making it prettier. She kinda likes it that way anyway. Got there just before 9 and was back in town by noon. Two rigging points to swing it off the roof and then lower the bugger... At least I got to limb walk :lol: And practice my throw to place a high line. Weeeeeeeeee :)
It was a burn day too... No chipping :D