How'd it go today?

Stayed home again today and tried my hand at splicing double braid. I did some Prolite and other than a little core bunching in the end that I now know how to fix next time, it turned out nicely. I started to splice my Blaze and everything is going good so far. I'm on the final bury but I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. I tried a tight eye on this one and I did my final core bury too long, which makes it extremely hard to get everything set in the final bury. But it was only a practice piece so lesson learned on those minor mistakes! And other than that, I believe I have double braid done where I feel pretty comfortable with it:D

Also spliced up a small loopie sling for rigging and an HRC eye-eye cord.
Today and tomorrow's job is removing 7 trees. We got rained out early in the afternoon but we should be done by lunch tomorrow.

Now I'm headed out to look a tree for State Farm.
pickup at the nursery in the morning, drive to site, install. :)
then back to another site I have been pruning on and spent another 15 minutes getting the two shrubs I forgot about yesterday.
Went to view the site for the install tomorrow afternoon.
Home now, watching Ayden for the evening as wife is working the evening shift at the office. :)
Managed to squeak a 7 hour day in between the rain this morning and this afternoon. Removed 6 yellow pines and a few other small dead trees in Weaverville, and finished the day chipping brush in Fletcher. Not a bad day... and both customers kept the chips :D
I had my 2nd accupuncture treatment. So far, I'm still undecided on any results. He did a different treatment this time, sticking different places, about 15 needles. I'll go back next week.
I'd like to try acupuncture for my shoulder. My understanding is that it works great for soft tissue problems (ie. tendinitis, etc...), and I'm pretty sure that's the problem with my shoulder.

Butch, before you know it, you'll be doing yoga and drinking yerba mate from a funny lookin' straw. I hope it works for you though! Have you heard about a time frame at all for when you 'should' feel some results?
Chased parts for the genset all day. Three shops thought they had a used head for me. I get there and they have number 2's. I need a number 1!
A guy told me about a machine shop that might be able to put in a new valve guide for a decent price. I go by, no one there. Called three times, left two messages. Maybe tomorow I can hear from him?
The new head is $125 local, $102 online. It doesn't sound like much, but figure in all the money I have already dumped in this and mama is getting testy!
Have you heard about a time frame at all for when you 'should' feel some results?

He said I should be able to feel the effects tonight and I will be able to sleep better... we'll see. I Thiiiiiiiiiiiiink it may have actually had some sorta effect this time... I don't wanna decide too hastily.
Just got off the phone with a buddy, he scored a pair of tickets to Texas Motor Speedway for Sunday's Nascar race!! Just fuel and fly and I am in!
Got the money, but I don't want to spend it on that, and the 12-13 hour drive figured in with the race time, doesn't apeal to me all that much right now.
It sucks getting old and responsable:cry:
Maybe I will splurge for Jack to drink as I watch the race at home Sunday:)
Snowed all morning and rained most of the afternoon here. Yuck. Did a whole bunch of bids today and pretty well landed all of them I think. Now with the contracts I've already got I'm booked til the end of May for four days a week so I'll still be able to book in customers that seem time sensitive and start booking into June with people who are willing to wait a bit. Things are looking good.8)
I've got a chipping contract and in a neighboring community a chipping and street tree pruning contract.8)

I'm F & S when it comes to treework.8)
I had a mirror cut to go on the deflector, just to show off the grill cloth and reflect better. I bet I'm the only person in the world with this particular set up. :drink:


  • amp stand deflector mirror 008.jpg
    amp stand deflector mirror 008.jpg
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That's cool. My dad and my uncle(the one who works for me) still 'gig' quite a bit. If I remember I'l grab a few pics one time. Local legion/bars kinda stuff.