How'd it go today?

I climbed my ass off today and when I got home I had to help get the sheep loaded up to get shorn.
did some pruning, for a callback that I did the original job for and got a call the next morning " I think you were here pruning but you didnt do as much as I was thinking, obviously we had a miscommunication" type message. the clent is a friend and well connected in the same circles as I so I did the extra pruning and didnt moan. its all good.

Then I took my prunings from that job to the garden center and sold them to the store, they chop them in to bouquet sized bits and peddle them off (flowering plum branches VERY close to popping open in to bloom).

Saw two sites for estimates, booked two install jobs and I think I can get both of my estimates from today booked as well as long as I come in at a reasonable dollar.

Tomorrow is a meeting then small install to finish a prune and install job. thursday is Casoron applications (2 at high $rates) then Friday is a cedar hedge install. :D

Booked through the end of next week + at good prices, so far, so good. :)
'Twas good. Pruned an almost big cottonwood and an elm and yanked out a bunch of shrubs including stumps.
Today meaning yesterday was pretty good .I finished assembling my 200T which I had reworked .It did very well . A rather peppy little saw if I do say so .:D
A friend of mine didnt have such a good day yesterday. He always seems to have bad luck in one town he works in, so usually he'll try to give the work away. Yesterday his chip truck burnt to the ground. Said fire started under the cab, and completely engulfed the truck. I have pics, I just need to get to a real computer.

He's HLtree from Treebuzz.
That sucks Brendon.

I had a dream that my chip truck burned to the ground. Fire started in the right rear wheel bearing.:P:P

There is powerful field of negative energy surrounding Matt. I'd avoid him were I you Brendon. That guy can't even buy a sandwich without thinking he got screwed.
There is powerful field of negative energy surrounding Matt. I'd avoid him were I you Brendon. That guy can't even buy a sandwich without thinking he got screwed.

Justin, Is that Matt from Westchester County, dropped out of the Stockbridge program at UMass , Matt?

He does carry his own little storm system around with him.
Back in the days when AS was still a cool place to hang out and exchange ideas and funny stories.
Ok I figured out how to play it, now how do I save it to my computer so I can upload it to youtube?
Today was day two of slope on a rope... Got payed... Got tipped .. Probably going to play over there next year too. Customer was really happy :D I was just happy nobody took a rock hit. Every other step, "HEADACHE!". Home owner took pics and is going to e mail them so I will post them when I get them. Now it's off to the casino in Coarsegold for Dinner :D