How'd it go today?

My heart and prayers go out to you and yours Johnny... Having kids myself just thinking of what ya'll are going through hits home. Hope she recovers soon.

Stephen & Katy
Best wishes Johnny. Will this be something that she will grow out of, or will it be something to be alert for forever?
Sorry about your friend's child Willie.
Damn! :\: I'm gonna feel guilty taking off today...

not really...

Likewise... actually... I'm scheduled to be off. :D

The ribs are rubbed and sitting in the icebox, the Landshark is icy cold, all I need to do is run some quick errands:

Liquor Store, Grocery Store, Hardware store- in no set order. :D

Jonny! I hope little one bounces back quick, man! :(
Thanks all.
She is sleeping alot, and still running a fever, hardly drinking, and refusing to eat anything. She hasn't eaten since Friday night. If she would just eat a little cup of apple sauce or a handful of animal crackers, and drink some water or juice, I think she would feel better, but she refuses.
But we are out of ICU, and on a floor where the patients demand less attention, so thats good. She was playing with us on the floor last night, and was laughing and having a good time. She is acting like herself, except for the appetite.
Steve, we were told that kids over the age of 5 almost never have a febrile siezure.
My Dad told me yesterday that I had one when I was a baby, and my Grandma said my Mom had one when she was a baby.
Positive vibes to you, your family and Maddy to make a full and speedy recovery, Jonny!!
I'm tired!

Left the house at 7:15 yesterday to do 3 bids on the way to the Snoqualmie Pass to do some tree removal for a friend who's building a house up there. Windshield buggy, so I cleaned it inside and out, at Safeway gas station, went to open the door after finishing, and I'd locked the button carelessly. Grooaannn. Went to Safeway store to use phone book to call locksmith....told him to hold for 7 minutes as I just thought to run over to a fella's house 3 blocks away (who used to work for me now and then) to see if he'd could drive me home 4 miles to get a spare key. Got him up, but no one there had a car. Then, I realized that a taxi would be cheaper and quicker, so did that...$20 and 20 minutes later, I'm on my way.

Did the 3 bids, then while driving, I had a brain fart---or thought I had, that I'd forgotten to load my gaffs. Called Scott, who lives up at the Pass, drove by his place to borrow his. Hadn't seen him all winter(lame) said hi to his very cool samoyed/half wolf "Jane" They were going rafting, and Jane doesn't like water, so was gonna be left at home. I didn't know that but Jane followed me to my truck, and I invited her to jump in. Then she wouldn't hop out when I asked her to, but jumped in the backseat and hunkered down with a mournful look. Scott had to come over to coax her out. Of course I razzed him that she likes me better!!

Head to the job 2 miles away, open the back of the truck, and low and behold, I had my gaffs anyhow. But it was good to see Scott! Pete and his wife were there moving brush around. They'd felled several trees perviously, and left a large one for me. Climbed up a witches broom infected grand fir. Had it limbed to 50 feet when I heard them say that there was a coon above me....Hmmm. So, I took a look at the lay of the land, spotted a pile of brush and a hole which they'd dug with a track hoe. Had them send up a pull line, I descended to set it across the dead end road in a neighbors tree (portawrap for tension) We watched the coon climb down to where the branches were thick--prolly where his hangout/nest was....He stopped and disappeared in the thick canopy. I threw a throw line up, hoping to shoo him down, to no avail.
so, I climbed up to about 18 feet, a height which I hoped would deliver the tree and poor coon directly over the low spot. They rolled the video and away she went, 75 feet of tree.....The coon appeared almost immediately, out of camera range (too bad I'd left mine in the car) stopped for maybe 5 seconds then ran off down the hill, faster than coons are wont to run!!

Did a small codom lead on another tree, discussed future view work, after they get the house built, and took off down the pass. Stopped in the historic town of Snoqualmie, took pics of the old train that offers rides, and an 11'6" 24 foot fir log on display, then headed to the spectacular Snoqualmie Falls. Hiked in 1/2 mile with three cameras, and one dinky tripod. Stayed nearly 3 hours firing away at the sun dropped lower, the scene intensified dramatically, as ya'll will see onanother thread after I get the pics up....
Pointed the camera at some two legged fauna of various genera as well that most here will appreciate---considerably, methinx!!

Left there, now late, but with 2 more bids to do. Stopped before Carnation, and jumped a locked gate to say high to a customer for whom we removed 4 DED killed elms 4 years ago. (Some of you may recall the photos) The arsehole old recluse who owns the adjoining land had refused to do anything to treat his elms, and now all 15 or so of them are stone dead. Scott wanted me to bid on removing one of his remaining three that is too big for him to do. So I scored some more work when he has the $. Looked at the next job at a library under construction in Carnation. Called the last customer to apologize for being 3 hours late, and headed to Monroe to meet her, another 15 miles away, and further from home. She had a smallish red cedar with an old decayed spot at the base. They'd called the pwr co to ask advice (it's near the lines) Of course they said it needed to come down. I dsagreed, said it looked to have 75-80% strength...Suggested that it would be fine or could maybe use some thinning (which I didn't think is necessary or would help much if at all) Then suggested that it might be nice, since I'd saved her some $, that she consider paying me for my advice...She didn't think much of that, so I went on my not so merry way...Danged PUD guys......

Headed home via a detour to Eli's house in Snohomish..but first stopped at a customer's near him. They are both awesome gardeners-and out watering at 9 pm.. They have a fabulously colorful yard.....Doug had ably manned the camera when we removed a technically challenging populus alba 14 months ago. This will give me impetus to put that video together and share it with ya'll and him!

Stopped by Eli's and find out that his new gal and he are planning marriage! She's a sweetheart...and Cdn citizen....this will help her gain permanent residency to the USof Eh, and Eli to work in Canada (or so he said...)

Got home at 11:25, and downloaded 300 photos from 3 cameras..went to bed at 2 and up at 6....this has gotta stop.

Stand by for photos in another thread--sometime soon...they are pretty danged good, if'n I do say so meself....

Oh, almost forgot. I 'd had no time for food, since 1:30, so Eli fed me snax. Got home to an entire wild Alaska coho-silver salmon (fresh not previously frozen-can run over $20 a pound for wild sockeye or King..and silver is about as good!!) that I'd scored for $4.99 pound (Wow!) Cooked up a slab of it, and had an incredibly delicious meal-- at midnight! I'll have to cook the rest today or tomorrow, as I don't wanna freeze it this time.
Jonny, Hope your madison is much improved.

Brian, The tipped crane story boggles my mind.....I can't even see why they had a crane there.

Steve, Sorry about the sidewalk.

Willie, I hurt for you over the ms200.

Roger, I think that you are probably too tired.

PC, Sory you smashed your ascender.

Justin, I can't believe you have a Browning Machine Gun on your mini.
I'm a whipped pup!! We finally got the garage put back together last night. I need to get a tarp, the splitter is going to sit in the drive, I want my garage back!!
I threw away more stuff than I can imagine! Three full dump carts, then I hauled a trailer load of crap to the dump this morning. A refrigerator (I left it unplugged for a year), microwave, a couple of old doors, just crap that had been sitting around and was in the way. Always thought I would use it, but never did stuff.
I think the wife has chilled on the shed for now, but there is always next weekend:roll:
I think I am off to Lowe's, lunch and a trip to the back cracker!
Johnny best wishes to your daughter on a speedy recovery. Sounds like some real scary stuff.

Willie condolensces to your friends, I can't imagine.

Roger reading your post makes me feel lazy man, ya gots to slow down.

Today I worked half a day as it's looking to go over a 100 again here. Brutally hot for me, yes it's a dry heat but damn man those are melting temps for me.

Anyways came home half a day and now I've got some time to do a little maintenance this afternoon and hang with the new pup.8)
Hmm so far it's been a good day here. I've been imbibing on libations since 1300 after errands this morning, watched some movies, and am currently finishing off some ribs on the barby. :D
I tried to help a homeowner w/tree on house after last nights storm.I went out for the "emergency" call @dusk last night customer was much more concerned with my prices than service or quality of work. First time in over twenty years I actually walked away (politely) from another money loser. I explained,informed,but with no true understanding that 100 bucks doesn not balance risk,wear and tear on my gear.I actually removed the entire top w/pole equipment for a pittance, reccomended my competition to hoist the stem,and went back to working the high end.Don't get me wrong... I love emergency work and helping people out but the money HAS to be right!
Welcome to the tree house, Altissimus. :) And you're right, I don't think anyone should expect a company to come show up for an emergency call for a hundred bucks. Especially on a Sunday evening! A plumber or electrician gets $200 or more for a Sunday house call before they get out of the truck, then 1.5X their normal hourly rate.
Heck ya, welcome! I do a $150min to show up, if I'm already in the neighborhood and it's like a 15min chip pile or one easy limb to remove or something I'll do $100. But no way can you be a qualified and equipped tree person and go anywhere for $100 and make money. Some jobs just aren't worth it.
I worked for 7 minutes and 35 seconds today removing 2 birchs 7 minutes from the house. I'll grind the stumps in the AM on the way to tomorrow's grinding work.

$200, and they were estatic, I didn't even have to look at it to bid it as D's folks live 3 houses down :).
That's the way to do it! If someone is price shopping I know lots of local tree companies they can call besides me. I'm all about a fair price but it's gotta pay, I can easily stay home and make no money I don't have to go out and run equipment and sweat all day to do that.
Altissimus, I did that once. Guy had an almond tree blow down in his driveway blocking him in and it was raining and blowing like heck. I was out there talking to him getting soaked and he is quibbling over the price. I really hated to get in the truck and go home, as I didn't have another call, without doing anything except driving about 40 minutes each way. But that was what I did.

Today we did a oleander hedge. Used the pruning shears mostly, a little chainsaw and a little hedge trimmer. Had to reach over a ditch with the bucket and the hedge was about 10' tall and about 4' wide.