How'd it go today?

Shoot you think thats bad, 2 weekends ago I was helping out my neighbour probono and used my motorized ascender to go up a pidling 20 feet sent ascender down and asked him to move it out of the drop zone. Cut of 2 limbs and came down, went to move chip truck up to chip, BUMP. He had set it infront of the passenger side rear wheels of the truck!!!!:whine: I should have checked but it was the weekend, I was not in work mode. He looked at it and said " Oh I dont think its hurt that bad" Man I had to bite my tounge on that one............
That's too bad Willie. A certain amount of that stuff is to be expected. I climbed today. Would really rather use the bucket.
I ran over a saw once about 10 years ago after the groundman left it under the chipper tire. From that day forward I made it a hard and fast rule that NO SAWS ARE TO BE LEFT UNDER A TIRE!!! No exceptions! If you MUST set the saw down, hang it in a gap on the chipper where it won't fall off, or set it next to the customer's mailbox or some other big obstacle that won't get run over. If you make it a habit of setting a saw under the chipper tire, then one day it is going to get run over, guaranteed.

IMO it takes two acts of negligence to cause an accident. If you make a regular habit of doing the first act (leaving the saw under the tire), then it only takes one more slip to lose a saw.
i agree brian, i always put saws near somthing large and stationary. i backed over a saw when i was 17 and learned that lesson. it is to be expected, steve, occasionally but still sucks
Didja see Theresa?

LMAO ! I didn't see Paulie, but I think I might've seen one of his trained trees. It was the only new planting on the block that had a central leader, proper scaffolding & wasn't overburied 4" !!!
Good on ye, Paul. It'd be cool to go in & give a quick crash course to nurserymen on the care of trees.
They pay you decent ? You work in trade ? Fun stuff, that.
My work is "worky"... some interesting jobs, but mostly hedgetrimminghedgetrimminghedgetrimming. Ugh.
Spent the entire day yesterday running the aerial rescue station for the CAA.
Bout 50 people. Long day... Some of them could hardly climb a tree
I ran over a ladder once. The only saw I ruined was left on the deck of the truck (by me), I retraced my route but it was gone. I did lose my old 290 out of the box of the truck going around a corner and the door wasn't closed good; however, no harm done to the saw and my guys were following me in their car and they picked it up. The door latch still doesn't work all that good, so I usually pin the truck so that I can hot rod around the corners.
I took down a medium size oak next to a busy road this morning. I had it on the ground in an hour and it was cleaned up in another 30 minutes. My second job today isn't until 12:30 so I'm taking a long lunch at home.
I just found out we are going shopping for a storage shed, yea, more work:cry:

T, for the record, I HATE hedgetrimming!
Ran by my saw(well OPE, crack:P) dealer and priced out a new mower, ran a case of transmission fluid to my uncle stuck on the side of 58 after a line came off of his cooler, and that's about it.
I'm at Buffalo Children's Hospital with Madison. My poor baby girl ran a high fever at 4 am this morning, and it caused a complex febrile siezure. It looked very bad this morning (bag mask and later a ventilator, an interosteous line in her leg cause they couldn't get an iv). Now though things are looking good, and maybe she can leave tomorrow. She is still weak, and her voice and cry are weak, but she's acting like herself and even smiled a little.
No clues what brought on the fever and that usually means a virus.
Drew had a simple febrile siezure when he was her age, and it scared the shit out of us but it was nothing like this.
damn dude, best wishes and big thoughts your way!!!!

being a dad now makes me so much more conscious of the 'little' things like this.
Thanks Paul. Fevers are no joke, especially under 5 years old. We were giving her tylenol and motrin, but it wasn't enough.
thats tough time johnny, glad shes on the mend. we buried my best friends 4 year old yesterday:cry: shes been fighting cancer sice just before 2 years old
Thanks for the good wishes all.
Willie, I'm so sorry. There's alot of really sick kids here, and it's just heart breaking. Makes you feel so helpless.
So Maddy isn't going home today, but they will move her out of ICU later and put her in an intermediate care ward.